
It also doesn't make the first thing any worse. Puppets are awesome.

Phrasing or not, that's inappropes, dog.

I wouldn't want to live in a world where puppets were culturally irrelevant. Given the choice between Sesame Street, the Muppets, and Star Wars and horrible sitcoms and reality television, I'd rather deal with the literal puppets any day.

Hey, it doesn't matter what you call them. The stakes won't care.

You raise a good point. But I think the answer is that it depends on how much of a shared mind the Krieger-vampires had, as in whether they were made to share certain memories and traits up to a point, and how much of that is required to make them the "same" individual.

Technically I think Hutts are hermaphroditic. Or they can switch. So, he could be?

I wanted to laugh at the whole Star Wars scene, I really did. But I recently had to explain to a real life woman about Mallory's age who Yoda was. It was a depressing experience and the joke just opened old wounds.

There's a term for this. Self-cest. Please don't ask why I need a term for this.

Well, earlier in the season Lana basically flat out admits she can't leave the Agents-Formerly-Known-As-ISIS because she's attached to them. Even Archer. As much as I'm sure she wish she wasn't.

I really, really want this idea to be turned into a whatever. "One man struggles in an endless battle against the forces of Vampires, Satanists, Catholics, and 1980's Glam Rock."

It's like my 5th grade report card all over again.

I was referring to parodies on TV specifically, but these are all too great to pass up.

Well, that's kind of missing the point of a rest stop then, isn't it?

I'm not sure I can explain what it is I loved about that gag. I've seen a lot of jokes that were witty or clever at first and then get dumber as it escalates, but this just worked until it was absolutely perfect.

I think it might be that there was a surprising amount of something almost resembling a thing that is sort of similar to bonding, if you squint, between Archer and Lana this season. After that, the usual barbs between them can feel a little harsher.

Has there ever been a Chick Tract joke like that before?

37 Ricks. In a row.

@avclub-ab60729bcbd8293eb5f31e5077c29049:disqus That's what I thought when I saw it, too. As soon as Maria Hill pointed out that those trading cards weren't actually on Coulson's body, I figured he was alive and that Nick Fury lied in order to motivate the Avengers. Because he's Nick Fury and he's like that.

It sounds like something a greaser and his gal pal would drink together down at the ol' malt shop in a 1960's television show.

Only a fool searches for his futanari porn on his phone. It needs to be securely kept on a separate external harddrive where it is painstakingly organized. Am I alone in this?