
Well, clearly, he's simply Gone Galt. If he wanted to, he'd be a millionaire in a mansion right now, but that would be supporting the parasites.

To test out what you said here, I tried to think of a number of my favorite TV shows and realized most of them are entirely unavailable in my country or are only available in very limited runs and formats.

To test out what you said here, I tried to think of a number of my favorite TV shows and realized most of them are entirely unavailable in my country or are only available in very limited runs and formats.

I actually only recently (like, the last few months) discovered Daria. But I'm very glad I did. It was great the whole way through.

I actually only recently (like, the last few months) discovered Daria. But I'm very glad I did. It was great the whole way through.

I like the idea of them trying to win over a demographic even harder. "If we sway these people hard enough, their votes will be worth twice as much!"

I like the idea of them trying to win over a demographic even harder. "If we sway these people hard enough, their votes will be worth twice as much!"

@ComradeQuestions:disqus It has something to do with the Wizard of Oz, doesn't it?

@ComradeQuestions:disqus It has something to do with the Wizard of Oz, doesn't it?

@TMJW:disqus Have there been any times an episode went out of its way to attack a specific politician or his policies? I've missed quite a few seasons, so I can't be sure, but I've always sort of felt Matt and Trey show a real sense of apathy with politicians. In a way, they seem to say "if you expect one guy to bring

@TMJW:disqus Have there been any times an episode went out of its way to attack a specific politician or his policies? I've missed quite a few seasons, so I can't be sure, but I've always sort of felt Matt and Trey show a real sense of apathy with politicians. In a way, they seem to say "if you expect one guy to bring

I agree. Considering previous episodes about elections and voting (especiall "About Last Night" and the Giant Douche vs. Turd Sandwich) I really doubt Matt and Trey care enough about specific politicians to actively hate on them.

I agree. Considering previous episodes about elections and voting (especiall "About Last Night" and the Giant Douche vs. Turd Sandwich) I really doubt Matt and Trey care enough about specific politicians to actively hate on them.

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus I don't see anything particularly wrong with yearning to see campy Bond again. Some of those movies were pretty damn entertaining.

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus I don't see anything particularly wrong with yearning to see campy Bond again. Some of those movies were pretty damn entertaining.

To be fair, it might have been better for everyone if he hadn't been the Joker. Y'know, to go on and do some more great roles.

To be fair, it might have been better for everyone if he hadn't been the Joker. Y'know, to go on and do some more great roles.

@avclub-570170146218082d2ca2544d57a48f1e:disqus That seems logical, and I also know its often a case of flaring tempers, but it's infuriating. Many times on these wild Internets I've been reading someone's response, thinking they're being quite civil and explaining their point well, and then they decide to call

@avclub-570170146218082d2ca2544d57a48f1e:disqus That seems logical, and I also know its often a case of flaring tempers, but it's infuriating. Many times on these wild Internets I've been reading someone's response, thinking they're being quite civil and explaining their point well, and then they decide to call

It still baffles me to this day how many people think that ending an argument/debate with "and if you disagree with me, you're stupid/a nazi/a stupid nazi" will somehow win people over.