
It still baffles me to this day how many people think that ending an argument/debate with "and if you disagree with me, you're stupid/a nazi/a stupid nazi" will somehow win people over.

I think the "all politicians are the same! Kill 'em all and the world will be a better place!" mentality is annoying as hell.

I think the "all politicians are the same! Kill 'em all and the world will be a better place!" mentality is annoying as hell.

Digging up dead people is your solution to everything.

Digging up dead people is your solution to everything.

The problem with airring Black Lagoon is that the audio would have to essentially be a 22-minute string of censor bleeps. Revy is great, but she's a bit of a potty mouth.

The problem with airring Black Lagoon is that the audio would have to essentially be a 22-minute string of censor bleeps. Revy is great, but she's a bit of a potty mouth.

I tend to feel as you do. I believe there is a laundry list of complaints I can make about Obama. Except I've basically never heard anyone in the media actually address any of those problems. Transparency in government, the proper usage of drone strikes, etc.

I tend to feel as you do. I believe there is a laundry list of complaints I can make about Obama. Except I've basically never heard anyone in the media actually address any of those problems. Transparency in government, the proper usage of drone strikes, etc.

It's a documented, scientific fact that every single literate person on Earth has written some really terrible story when they were a teen. Simply remembering this story brings relentless shame.

It's a documented, scientific fact that every single literate person on Earth has written some really terrible story when they were a teen. Simply remembering this story brings relentless shame.

I only remember two scenes from that movie. Zangeif giving a sideways thumbs up and Honda sumo-wrestling someone on a model city to spoof Godzilla.

I only remember two scenes from that movie. Zangeif giving a sideways thumbs up and Honda sumo-wrestling someone on a model city to spoof Godzilla.

Is it okay if, after seeing Zangeif on the trailer you remark, "Wait, Zangeif isn't a bad guy!" but then add "…but that's a minor detail and the film looks too good to get hung up on it?"

Is it okay if, after seeing Zangeif on the trailer you remark, "Wait, Zangeif isn't a bad guy!" but then add "…but that's a minor detail and the film looks too good to get hung up on it?"

I don't remember seeing the characters in the trailer explode into a bizarre amount of bloody parts. Couldn't be TF2.

I don't remember seeing the characters in the trailer explode into a bizarre amount of bloody parts. Couldn't be TF2.

That is a pretty great list of anime on there. Just had to say that.

That is a pretty great list of anime on there. Just had to say that.

After watching the second episode of Megas XLR, Bruce Campbell is the only MODOK I will accept.