
I, personally, never really find it funny when someone just gets hurt for no real reason. I only tend to find humor in it when the violence seems almost a sort of karmic backlash, usually from a malicious or plain idiotic plan.

@avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus  I think it's safe to say that Anne Hathaway was one of the best parts of the movie. I wasn't sure how Catwoman would fit in with the tone of the series or how she would do in the role, but I loved every second she was in the film.

@avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus  I think it's safe to say that Anne Hathaway was one of the best parts of the movie. I wasn't sure how Catwoman would fit in with the tone of the series or how she would do in the role, but I loved every second she was in the film.

Talia's reveal took me completely by surprise, so well played indeed.

Talia's reveal took me completely by surprise, so well played indeed.

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus I think the problem isn't just that the whole nature of movies and reviewing them is subjective, but how they should be reviewed is also subjective.

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus I think the problem isn't just that the whole nature of movies and reviewing them is subjective, but how they should be reviewed is also subjective.

Mr. Wizard taught all of us a little science.

Mr. Wizard taught all of us a little science.

I think a comment like that really deserves some derision.* It's okay to like unpopular things or to dislike popular things. But to claim the only way to enjoy something is to be of an immature or uncultured mindset is both wrong and incredibly closed-minded.

I think a comment like that really deserves some derision.* It's okay to like unpopular things or to dislike popular things. But to claim the only way to enjoy something is to be of an immature or uncultured mindset is both wrong and incredibly closed-minded.

It's true! Let's take some examples:

It's true! Let's take some examples:

It's a good comic, so you're off the hook. This time.

It's a good comic, so you're off the hook. This time.

If God had wanted men to be bats, he would have created us with toenails capable of supporting our own weight from the ceiling!

If God had wanted men to be bats, he would have created us with toenails capable of supporting our own weight from the ceiling!

@zebbart:disqus I think I'll stick with the orgiastic feasts, thanks.

@zebbart:disqus I think I'll stick with the orgiastic feasts, thanks.

I think, and forgive me if I get this wrong, the worst part of Job is that he gets a new family at the end. A new family. Not a "Ha ha, we hid you real family behind the barn to make you sweat it out" style prank. No, God kills his family and his reward for his faith is a totally new family. His old one? Apparently,