
I think, and forgive me if I get this wrong, the worst part of Job is that he gets a new family at the end. A new family. Not a "Ha ha, we hid you real family behind the barn to make you sweat it out" style prank. No, God kills his family and his reward for his faith is a totally new family. His old one? Apparently,

It gets even worse with certain denominations. Take the Jehova's Witnesses. If I understand correctly, according to them, only a certain number of people will get saved, and there are already far more Witnesses than that.

It gets even worse with certain denominations. Take the Jehova's Witnesses. If I understand correctly, according to them, only a certain number of people will get saved, and there are already far more Witnesses than that.

In the unlikely event that I ever become a father, or in the even less likely event I become a mother, I would just plan to not tell my child about Santa all together. Saying he is real is just lying to a child which, to me, seems like the sort of thing one shouldn't really make a habit of. The other end of the

In the unlikely event that I ever become a father, or in the even less likely event I become a mother, I would just plan to not tell my child about Santa all together. Saying he is real is just lying to a child which, to me, seems like the sort of thing one shouldn't really make a habit of. The other end of the

wolfmansRazor , I need to find more times in my life to use the phrase "Stuff this for a lark!"

wolfmansRazor , I need to find more times in my life to use the phrase "Stuff this for a lark!"

I wish I could like this more.

I wish I could like this more.

Edited for causing Douglas Adams to rue a day.

Edited for causing Douglas Adams to rue a day.

I think breaking momentum is part of the point, though. Spider-man does sort of go out of his way to wisecrack in situations that are most certainly not good times for jokes.

I think breaking momentum is part of the point, though. Spider-man does sort of go out of his way to wisecrack in situations that are most certainly not good times for jokes.

Jerry Lewis inspired numerous jokes on Animaniacs. That's all I need.

Jerry Lewis inspired numerous jokes on Animaniacs. That's all I need.

Big McLargehuge

Big McLargehuge

It's pretty true. There are many, many times when they joke that a character on screen looks like another famous actor I've not heard of and I don't really get the joke.

It's pretty true. There are many, many times when they joke that a character on screen looks like another famous actor I've not heard of and I don't really get the joke.

I'd agree more if I didn't love that song to death. But being able to hear the actual dialogue would have been great, too. I think a couple of the jokes are great in the episode, but out of context, it's like hearing the punchline without the setup.