
idk why she doesn’t get it, cos i like this chick

I believe you should be able to do whatever you want with your money, as long as it’s legal. I also believe you should keep the knowledge of what you do with that money to yourself. 

Exactly. And I’m sick of the whole misplaced misogynoir whistle. You don’t need to twerk every damn where and expect everyone to love it, lest they be labeled anti-black woman. We aren’t shaking our asses everywhere we go. Plenty of place for that.


I agree. We ain’t old, we just know when to get down.

Same here. That’s why I think I might just be enthralled by the enthusiasm. Like how you look at early-morning joggers and think “wow, fuck that.”

I agree and believe you but we still keep missing the worst optic; it’s not a stripper bar. It’s still a restaurant. We aren’t talking about someone just dancing in the aisle or doing a quick bounce in the middle of the floor on the way back to their table from the restroom.

None of this would have happened if people had stayed home months ago like they were asked to. No winners here.

Still on #teamnoone here. He’s a dick, and the people crowding a restaurant in the middle of a pandemic are utter assholes.

i said it in the other post, i love the hell out of twerking. but dont fucking do it around me while im eating breakfast. i am not ready for that if im eating eggs and drinking coffee.

as the dad supreme said, if i walked up to that place for my first time and i saw someone doing that i’d go some where else and never

It’s interesting to me to see the issue of twerking, and the opposition to it framed as one of respectability politics. To me it’s just about acting like an adult who got some home training. Standing up on a chair twerking in the middle of a restaurant is exactly something drunk white women would do except they would

People still don’t get it; it’s a pandemic - what are you doing eating out in close quarters like this, acting as if you can’t get sick, get others sick, and die?

Thank you. Suburban white women voted their whiteness and the rest of us are paying for it.  As a black woman 90+% of us did the right thing and voted for the qualified woman.  Also see Doug Jones.  White women pick up after each other because the rest of us are damn tired of carrying your asses.

Counterpoint: yes they should, seeing as it was the “working, suburban” white mommy vote that overwhelmingly gave us Trump.

It often seems that way to blowhard dickweeds who love the sound of their own horseshit-stuffed lips flapping.

Sure, bro. Argue with social science. Or shit, I dunno, club social science on the head and drag it back to your rape cave. Ya fuckin Neanderthal.

Mansplaining is a real and problematic thing, but reducing it to meaning “any time any man disagrees with a woman’s hypocrisy and/or ideological holdings” really delegitimizes and unfairly minimizes the concept.

I suspect it’s simpler: attacking specifically white women allows you to express your sexism without feeling cognitive dissonance that would be caused by “punching down.”

The content isn’t the problem. It is the delivery. He is a while male mansplaining and being praised for it.

Maybe because all us white women have too many bad memories of being in the physical presence of men who talk at us like that.