
Seriously a great night. TV is definitely in its Golden Age right now.

I still can’t tell if this “advice” column is supposed to be serious, or if there’s just some inside joke I’m not getting. This can’t be real advice, can it?

A more fitting punishment is to tell them they are getting 5 years probation and then jail them for a year. That would be a great reaction vid.

Like I said to my daughter, if I ever play a trick on her it will never be nasty or harmful and she will always laugh or have something enjoyable at the end of it. Like the time we tricked her into thinking we were just having a nice breakfast for her Gran’s birthday but really we had arranged for us to go to

Are whoopee cushions still okay? You can pry them from my cold dead hands. Those cold dead hands by the way will have hand buzzers. And paper snakes will shoot out of my asshole.

I’m honestly annoyed even by those “I ate your Halloween candy...JUST KIDDING!” videos. I mean, why would you think it’s funny to mess with your child’s trust in their parents?

Ah, I see you also have experience with the ever elusive (but only when they want to be) Narcissistus Vulgaris.

This isn’t about getting back together; it’s about his desire to have contact with her whenever he wants, however he wants simply because he wants it. He doesn’t care that he divorced her via text because he did what he did because he wanted to at the time.

He’s an outstanding alcoholic.

I find crashing into Vermont to be far more pleasant.

The LW does say her husband, “pleads for forgiveness. I don’t think I can trust him again no matter the strides he claims he will take to make amends....I know we will have to co-parent, regardless of the outcome, so we are both seeking counseling in order to work through issues to be better parents...” So it sounds

That’s not fair to the child. I had a shithole dad, but my mom never said anything bad about him, or denied him in any way. I realized pretty early on he was a shithole, without any input from my mom.
I completely relate to your comments, but having lived through some of this shit, it just doesn’t always play out that

LW3: whatever it is you may be getting out of this arrangement, it’s not a real, healthy relationship if you have to walk on eggshells with her the whole damn time. Set yourself free and find someone who loves you and doesn’t act like a caged animal.

Letter writer number one needs to get into couple’s therapy at LEAST on this. Get a professional to identify why he felt the need to do that shit. Was it some deep-seeded unresolved issue in your relationship? Was he just being an asshole? Who the fuck knows. But that’s the only way that there’s going to be any

you know, that’s an excellent additional point that i had not considered! de-normalizing (if that’s a word, which it probably isn’t) the idea that poor kids don’t deserve the basic necessities of life is an extremely admirable goal, and hopefully a side effect of this program.

do you also believe that the kids will develop an unhealthy reliance upon the government because the government is educating them for “free”?

I’m also not replying to the douche because douche. I’m also in favor of kids getting used to the idea that they deserve food. But to build on this: I do not buy into the notion that giving kids free lunch will make them think they are entitled to free food. I *do* buy into the notion that kids will end up associating

All the stars for you!

Pretty sure Maslow was right because I’ve seen what happens when kids grow up not expecting to be fed when they are hungry.

If these schoolchildren like food so much they should have not been born in to poverty.