Don’t they even say in the first episode “hey can we crank that guys chip up a bit?”
Don’t they even say in the first episode “hey can we crank that guys chip up a bit?”
Yeah, but even before the chip “enhancement”, Crosshair was kind o a dick.
Exactly. For example, anyone want to wager a guess as to how many war crimes Vader willingly, and on several occasions gleefully committed? That dude still got redeemed.
A) It’s Star Wars. There’s always hope for redemption, if you’re willing.
I usually wake up Friday mornings before work and watch these Marvel/Star Wars shows over breakfast. ::Hard Gulp:: This was not the episode to watch with the kiddos eating Froot Loops.
AZI-3 is the adorable med droid. He appeared in the pilot and previously in The Clone Wars helping Fives during the original inhibitor chip arc. ES-01 was the ill-fated recruit.
Especially anything headed up by Filoni. I just recently realized on a rewatch of Rebels that they designed the civilian transport shuttles on that show after the Disneyland Star Tours ride that’s been around since the 90s, including the pilot droid.
They love nothing more than doing callbacks in SW, so this certainly was the thinking. Just some kind of standard protein bar or whatever you’d find in a ratio kit.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: The old idea of numerous Clone Masters all fighting a war with each other and the Republic is WAY cooler than what we eventually got.
Eh, I think you can tell that story without getting into “trade federation” nonsense. The “political thriller” genre exists, after all, there’s a way to tell it that’s legitimately compelling. You could really flip the suspense in its head, presenting a situation where it REALLY looks like the Jedi could defeat…
I wish they had just made it heavily implanted hypnotic suggestion. Which the stronger-willed characters could have fought against (like Rex) instead of giving Rex seat-of-your-pants brain surgery and robbing him of agency either way.
Something I hope that the show focuses more in future episodes is the relationship between different members of the squad and Omega.
The other side of that coin is if they tried to go into depth where Palpatine manipulates the Clone Troopers into wiping out the Jedi through careful plotting and political web-weaving, then it’s the prequel trilogy all over again.
I love that when I started the episode, I still get the obligatory [Skip Intro] tab option when the intro is literally 2-3 seconds of the title card.
I hope so. My saddest day on AV Club was when I found out they were dropping the weekly Rebels reviews.
Part of the reason Clone Wars even had opening narration was because they jumped around the timeline with different casts all the time. This series is an ongoing story with a central cast like Rebels.
I’m like 99% sure the intro in the premiere was just to set up the transition from the Clone Wars/Republic to the Rebellion/Galactic Empire.
That was a Nexu. It seems like they’re an invasive species rather than native to that planet.
Tom Kane suffered a stroke at the end of last year. He may have to retire from voice acting as a result. That’s the last I have heard about it. I was happy to hear him on the premiere, but I don’t know when it was recorded.