
A friend of mine was out west already when the protests started. She joined them about two weeks ago.

Hey, both Christmas and fucking over Indians are proud american customs. They’re just traditionalists.

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you can get a line break in here

and do paragraphs, spacing, etc.

I have always assumed what he has in mind is basically just levying tariffs to offset the cost of the wall. He just basically taxes the shit out of anything imported from Mexico. Short of literal invasion (which I absolutely would not put past him don't get me wrong) that's the only possible way that could make sense.

With every barn that comes down, the classic landscape of American farmland littered with wooden barns fades away. The National Barn Alliance is trying to make sure that doesn’t happen by preserving the buildings it can and documenting those that will come down.

This is why I cross the street when I see men


It’s as if children’s lives have an impact on their parents or something.

Maybe forward your letter to a local newspaper, making note of the (pathetic) response you received? I can’t imagine how anxious you must be and I think the public should hear from someone who is directly affected by Federal and state inaction on Zika.

I’m a pregnant lady living in Florida and I will never, ever forget how completely helpless and abandoned by the system that’s supposed to protect me I have felt this summer. These clowns went on a two-month vacation without lifting a single finger to do something about the spread of a virus that is devastating to

This is what happens when people think just electing the president is enough. You end up with Ryan and McConnell holding pregnant women currently or in danger of contracting Zika hostage to get to defund Planned Parenthood.

And this is why you have to show up to vote in 2018 when we don’t have a sexy Presidential race on the ballot. Congress matters.

This case was not an outlier for Persky.

As I recall, this idea of paying better wages so they can buy more of your stuff seemed to be promoted by that noted Communist leader, Mr. Henry Ford. See how that worked out for him...? oh wait...

This morning, Paris Hilton tweeted that she will be attending this year’s Burning Man festival. Below is an imagined

Here’s a pic of me, newly of drinking age, in my favorite t-shirt:

“He simply couldn’t bear the idea of one less smile in the world.”