Thank you for making me aware of this. Nothing is more impressive to me than enduring love bound by duty.
Thank you for making me aware of this. Nothing is more impressive to me than enduring love bound by duty.
Nice to see you out and about again in these parts, Jane!
Sorry people are being so crappy. I had to check to see if this was on Gawker and not Jezebel. Weird. *hugs and happiness to you!*
Thank you. I feel exactly the same way. It's like the "cool kids" trying to ruin life for the uncool in middle school all over again. Very odd.
It would make a wonderful Mel Brooks movie.
Yes. This type of complaint, while funny as a blog post, is just giving ammo to people who say the "left" makes mountains out of every mole hill.
Thank you. Sometimes an awkward wave is just an awkward wave. { Hail Hydra.}
Yay! You're back! You're back! 'Nuff said.
Unpopular opinion, I guess: I really like his tweets. They are extremely dense with information, and if you speak government acronym, very useful. He even manages to work in ridicule and sarcasm. He shows up to work, sticks to voting on what he says he will, and tries to tell people what he's working on. How is this a…
Your lessons are stunningly similar to training given to military people on how to handle being confronted by/captured by enemy forces...and that is really depressing. And accurate.
The ambulance team is required to stay back until cleared by police on the scene. So, when the police on the scene caused the issue...the EMTs get to park a couple blocks away and wait...and wait...
Nice to see more diversity in the comics, they always have to sound so self-satisfied about it? I guess I mean I just look forward to the day when you don’t expect to get a cookie for not being an asshat.
So many questions! Do you lose your spot if you have to go to the bathroom? Do you bring snacks? How do you keep up your morale in the face of such to get someone to notice, I guess? Is there assigned space on the sidewalk, and if so does the show have PR people making sure no one bumps…
Anna, your earlier fears about not having enough snark and deadpan sarcasm left for the general election are totally unfounded. The snark is strong with you.
This is excellent work, I laughed out loud by the end from the perfectly pitched editorial comments. Thanks Kelly!
Exactly this. I think these are the words of a woman who has been fighting a losing battle her entire adult life.
I was hoping we'd get through a day without needing to say that. *resets the sign back to zero...from the zero it was on already*
Are you new around here? I totally agree with you—counseling all around. She'd only been there two weeks, and that age bracket isn't thinking past the end of their own nose, so, nuance and consideration are important in complex situations like this one. So...perfect for the internet?
When I’m using my phone to record a concert— as much as I can stuff into it, anyway—I try to hold in front of my body, thus not increasing the obstruction of view of anyone around me, as my body was already blocking that line of sight for them. However, some people still like to side-eye, snark, etc., about how I…
Imaginary Mary: why does the guy keep grabbing her neck and head? I hate that crap it gives me the creeps.