Question: Why in the heck did they decide to hold the conference in Tbilisi Georgia? I got the part about the timing, but were they planning on...I dunno..commemorating the event or something? Just...ick.
Question: Why in the heck did they decide to hold the conference in Tbilisi Georgia? I got the part about the timing, but were they planning on...I dunno..commemorating the event or something? Just...ick.
This is a really interesting article. I actually thought Anna was going to make some progress with Ethan until his “but...” ruined it. Regardless, just chalk this up as another gray comment on how this story is NPR worthy in its fairness and insight. (Note: I have no idea how anyone at The Slot feels about NPR, but I…
Possibly because I’m hungry, but for some reason I found myself wondering, based on the pictures, who makes the best lasagna?
Black racers are the best. The few seconds you see them (boy do they earn their name) are just awesome. Sooo black! Sooo shiny! Soooo fast!
(sorry for weird spacing, Kinja hates formatting)
I remember when I saw the movie Ladyhawke as a kid, I was totally confused about why a) anyone was mad they could turn into a wolf or hawk, and b) why that idiot bishop cared about Navar and Isabeau being in love. Right at the end (er...spoiler?), he hisses as he tries to stab Isabeau in the back (literally) after she…
I appreciate the arduous work documenting the daily drama of the vegan(or not) community. It's...not fascinating or in any way interesting, but I still can't stop reading it. What is this magic??!?!?