
Those exercise outfits always look like diving suits to me. Also, I enjoy the colder weather, but hate this in-between business...show up comfy in a sweater in the am to work, by afternoon look dumb for wearing a sweater at work.

Wow, that's some great reporting. Horrible, infuriating story, but great reporting.

Heh, chuckled out loud at the tags.

Agreed. The ideal response is wretched ratings and dead silence from the audience. We won't get that, because we can't have nice things. I blame Rick Perry.

I call this “Can’t I have just ONE THING?!?!” syndrome. I find that when adult-ing, we generally have 80/20. 80% of the day is crap we do in order to enjoy 20% of our day. Frequently, life pushes back and makes it more like 95/5. In those times, all we want is JUST ONE THING to not go wrong. One little nod to our

I’m not really sure I’d like her in real life, but at least she’s not letting people steal from her (Elvis, most rap groups, etc.) and is actually running her business.

wow...today is truly a sucky day.

I think EGR’s frustration level is getting dangerously high. Go for a run or something before something goes *spring*!

Thanks, the very map I was thinking of, but didn’t know how to post.

aww, thanks!

Lanvin: Love it or leave it, you better gain way
You better hit bull’s eye, the kid don’t play

Not really sure what you are trying to say, EGR. Spell it out, no reason to obfuscate!

starred for making me chuckle at this yuck story

Since I’m doing my best to disassociate from this story, let me just say that Anna’s writing on the last paragraph especially is awesome. Pacing and word choice seem perfect.

Can’t disagree about this. I will point out that there are many people in the more populated areas who try to vote better, but our votes are frequently negated by truly obvious district gerrymandering. It’s extremely frustrating.

No JK Rowling?

Very misleading and click-bait headline (and tone in the article, really). And the study is ridiculously obvious, can’t believe anyone funded it.

Wondered this too. Also, what bothers me about this piece is all other humans are treated as spectacle or scenic vistas existing for the pleasure and edification of the author. Native Americans have to put up with that crap all the time, and it gets real old real fast. So my intolerance for that tone is on a


Surely this was written by Democrats? To make them look bad? No one would be dumb enough to complain about the job they are applying for to the people doing the hiring, would they? There aren’t really that many potential leaders of the free world who are that clueless, are there?