This just in: rich white people screw over Native Amer....what? oh, we did this story in 1830? Hmmm.
This just in: rich white people screw over Native Amer....what? oh, we did this story in 1830? Hmmm.
I think the arguments against Trump would work better if they'd stick to the real issues, and not go for the cheap and inaccurate soundbites, which is an area Trump has WAY more practice than they do.
Now, now, let’s not overreact to Ted’s statement. All he is really saying is we need to be safe from the different/dangerous people. You know, just put them someplace where they can be monitored/supervised by government . Like a camp, or something, where we can group them according to specific criteria, and weed-out…
Eurotrash women? Really? REALLY?
Exactly this. I think many pundits and regular folk keep making the mistake of thinking that people who say they do NOT have a bad opinion of Trump don’t see him for what he is. This is not generally the case. Many people know exactly how bad he is, but see him as a LOT less dangerous in power than either Cruz or…
Came to say this. I don’ t think he was a good president overall, but he was never a “shut it all down” obstructionist, or xenophobic. You know politics has gotten awful when people start to fondly remember GWB. Wowzers.
Agreed, this was a very calculated decision. “What, you don’t like guy who looks just like you? Why not?"
“truculent fuckheads” Nice.
Yup. I'm sure he's got a drawer full of "proof" from his own "investigations" that his opinion is correct.
Yeah, this person was more of a publicist than a reporter, I think.
Yes, I see what you mean there. That makes it worse. "See there, little lady, the man said he didn't rape you. Case closed."
Heh, thank you for making me chuckle in the middle of my rage meltdown. I needed that to remember to breath again.
I see what you mean, but I’ll betcha he’s got a whole drawer full of locally generated instances of “wasn’t rape”. Since he gets to decide when it is and isn’t rape. This...I feel so sorry for the people who have to deal with that guy.
Exactly! Again: ARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!
Also: Anna, do you have to...I dunno...use germ killer wipes on your keyboard after writing about
If I choose to believe Sheriff Rowland is not real, can he not exist? Because then I might be ok with the never-existed-to-begin-with "logic" he's using.
This is excellent writing. Nicely done! It holds up a mirror to Ted Cruz's speech, so we can see its reflection without being turned to stone.
yeah, most folks in Florida just snicker when CNN kept repeating that Rubio was expected to win in Florida (before the polls came out). Then they seemed surprised he isn't well liked here. Spoiler: He isn't well liked here.
Too late to edit. Sorry for unintentional pun. Ugh.