Timbo MacGillicuddy

Dave, where do you get off calling me a vegetable? My name is Timbo. Timbo MacGillicuddy. Your attempts to dehumanize me will not work. I am a very worthwhile person. Lots of people think so. You can take your tomato-shame and make some god damned spaghetti for all I care. I’m out here trying to make this world a

Immigrant or not, if you are the type of person that chooses to support the MIC by becoming a part of it then we don’t need you and we don’t want you. Those same people, once given citizenship, will become right wingers and vote as such.  So, no.  We don’t owe them anything. 

The opposite, actually.

Just immigrants?  Nobody should join the military.  The MIC itself is a neoconservative, archaic, obsolete institution.

Equating violent military service with citizenship is and has always been a neocon idea.  No thanks.

The UK is truly the model for the future of free speech. It absolutely warms my heart that a country built on colonialism, homophobia, racism, Islamophobia, ableism, cis-normativity, extreme violence, and the fundamentals of Nazism has found the strength to jail those who use offensive language.