Not familiar with Flyover Country but yeah war is not really a relevant concept anymore. This is the modern era.
Not familiar with Flyover Country but yeah war is not really a relevant concept anymore. This is the modern era.
Can’t believe that come Monday Jezebel and Splinter will be gone.
I know. I’m trying to save my sister but all she does is laugh at me and then feels bad for me when I go downstairs or at least that’s what she posts on Facebook which starts all kinds of problems.
Yeah and sometimes he wears it backwards so he can show off his custom design. It’s a embroidery of him wearing a MAGA hat backwards. He thinks he’s really clever but he’s not.
So I just texted my dad that I wasn’t coming to dinner tonight. Long story. And I heard him laughing as he read it upstairs in the kitchen with my sister who literally just believes whatever he says about anything especially when it comes to me but I don’t care because I’m stronger and braver than both of them put…
I already texted him that I’m not coming to dinner tonight. I could hear him laughing upstairs.
Why is Bey still with that ugly doofus? She deserves so much better.
Porn isn’t part of the boycott obviously.
London is the greatest city on earth. A multicultural mecca where everyone is welcome and integrated into a lovely soup called Humanity. A beautiful, peaceful city. London is the ideal.
That thing on the “Life Counts” poster isn’t a baby.
The response by the Tech Community to Trump’s Fascism has been appalling. WaPo, owned by AMZN founder Jeff Bezos has really lightened up on Trump and seem to be siding with him now, just like that piece of trash NYT with that Trump scamp. Maggie Haberman. What the hell happened???
Horse, I know that. You have to understand the dynamics of our dinners though. I can’t just tell him “You don’t believe in proof” when he’s literally asking me for proof. It’s antithetical to the question. It’s like someone asking about pastries and the person being asked replies “you aren’t interested in pastries.”…
No, you don’t get it. My dad is the most ridiculous stickler of all time. Even if he can say one little thing is without evidence he will claim victory and try to embarrass me. So like I said, I get that these countries are registering like mad crazy but he’s going to say that Trump hasn’t given them anything and…
Ok, yeah obviously. But I just need like one fact to come back at him with otherwise he’s going to start doing his stupid victory dance.
Hey there,
That’s why we need to vote OUT neocons like Schumer and the rest and vote in woke socialists like that Latinx in NYC and everyone who supports Bernie.
This is an excellent piece that I will be able to use against my dad at dinner tonight. He won’t see it coming. “Trump is draining The Swamp.” That’s all he ever says. He also calls me “idiot” I guess.
Unfortunately this video is ultra relevant. Trump seeks to jail or deport his entire opposition and he is doing a bang up job thus far. We must resist. We must fight back! I don’t want to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in jail. I don’t like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Please do not equate this brave individual with Rosa Parks. Rosa started a revolution, this person is little more than a gif file.
Dave, where do you get off calling me a vegetable? My name is Timbo. Timbo MacGillicuddy. Your attempts to dehumanize me will not work. I am a very worthwhile person. Lots of people think so. You can take your tomato-shame and make some god damned spaghetti for all I care. I’m out here trying to make this world a…