
These liberal accusations of creeping authoritarism are not to be tolerated and must be stamped out to the utmost limit by the full weight of the US government without any legal restrictions.

Alito also complained that members of the Federalist Society “face harassment and retaliation if they say anything that departs from the law school orthodoxy.” This is nonsense. The Federalist Society is the single most powerful legal society in America, and I don’t think it’s even close. When President Trump released

The problem is that’s it’s not about the people in offices anymore. This country has turned politics into sports franchises to be milked for money, and it’s nothing but red team vs blue team. Red team has predominantly their entire individual identities and self worth tied up in that tribe and any separation from it

The national media and the DNC wrote off the south and other red states long ago and failed to make the needed investments because they saw them as a lost cause. But thanks to actual Southern progressives, like Stacey Abrams, things are turning around. AND YET, the narrative is still “well fuck the south and those

I thought they were supposed to look bad this year.

That’s why there’s a House of Representatives, of which California has 53 seats, and Wyoming has only 1. Otherwise, you may as well just abolish the Senate altogether - good luck getting that done.

The senate election prospects in 2022 looks very bad for republicans.

And how do they have Andy Beshear as governor? Was that a fluke?

It is so depressing watching this unfold. There seems to be little to no consequences for these horrible people. I thought with the high turnout we would have a good night. Turns out a lot of people still really like Trump and his cronies. After all that they have done.

Sent money to Harrison and Gideon :(

I’m nowhere near South Carolina, and I sent money to Jaime Harrison.  I hoped, too.  

I sent money to McGrath...I hoped :o/

From FiveThirtyEight’s liveblog (Meredith Conroy):

The republicans will burn the country to the ground just to own the libs. and their base will follow them into the flames..

The thing is, if you look at the numbers, Collins has at least 50k more votes than trump so there are at least 50k people who are reasonable enough to not vote trump but still unreasonable enough/attached enough to being republican to vote for Collins... who are these people?

As many supposed Republican voters as I saw on the internet talking about voting straight blue tickets, it seems like everyone stayed in their corners for the most part. A Republican senator could eat babies and still win, as long as they have an R next to their name, literally nothing matters.

After losing a court custody battle my mother decides to make a run for it, taking 4 year old me from a civilized eastern metropolis to the deep south. She lies about my age to the small town school, and shoves me into kindergarten on the day they plan to celebrate Halloween.

My father had a religious manic experience while my mom, sibling, and I were out trick r treating. We came home talking happily about the experience, when my dad came into the room, accused us a celebrating the devil, tore down the very few Halloween decorations my mom put up and threw away our candy. My sib and I

Partly it was that I decided he deserved a fair shot at conversation, talking to him one-on-one instead of a group setting when I was focusing on other things. And it was partly chemistry. He hugged me at the end of our second date, and zap! He irritates the snot out of me sometimes, but I still get goosebumps just

I fought my way past millions of other swimmers, made it up a fallopian tube, and got that egg.