
Sent a tweet to the sports talk radio guys about this after they were gleefully interviewing him. Absolute silence, of course.

Thank you for the AMC reference! Eitzel is still churning them out!

I am just so tired of the lies and the folks who will lie for him and to protect him. Seriously, Dr. Ronny? WTF? Why is he always the best at everything, but he’s never shown any proof whatsoever? HE FUCKING LIES ALL DAY LONG. Enough of this BS! Ugh, now I’m getting rage stroke prone!

So, do you have to have that gothy, jet-black hair to be a cool mortician?

I’m only about 4.5 hours from D.C. - I will protest and overthrow if we have to. It’s obvious... I think others are on the same wavelength. We could barricade Congress and the White House with people. Yes, they have secret underground tunnels, but they can’t run the government that way. The GOP - ALL of them - are

Did he yell out “69!” while hitting him? If so, then it’s just Gronk being Gronk.

After watching the trailer, are you surprised? It screamed bomb right away.

Don Jon...

This really is the whitest show, isn’t it?

Please tell me we can still blame Trump and his bigoted followers. I mean enough of this BS already. They all spew shit, then when called on it, walk it back slightly. Do not let these fuckers off the hook for all of their fuckery!

I’d rather err on the side of kindness than not at all.

No doubt MST3000 would be the best. Am I wrong?

Ture justice would be to see this MF’er hung by pink boxers on a flag pole as the ultimate wedgie. Our country is so F’ed up.

I know I should not say this, but he’s such a fuck face. I’be been done with him and his supporters from the start. But fuck, what am embarrassment and joke of a human he and his wife are. Screw them all to hell.

Perhaps there is an exclusive Neo-Nazi best ball golf tournament. Where that fat ass MF’er can drive onto the green to tap in a ball placed by some white nationalist lackey.

My beautiful girlfriend’s name is Dorian. Don’t need to make it an “iah” to be female...

Hot holy fuck hot holy fuck hot holy fuck. That’s all I’ve got at this point.

So fucking white. So fucking disgusting the ‘Muricans screeching USA. WTF has happened to this once great nation? Now a load of realityty TV fickwits. Ugh.

If by “presidential” he means incompetant buffoon, then yes, he’s presidential. What a disgrace and what a sad time for our country. The rubes are running things, but we need to grab it back somehow. By we, I mean educated, aware, and responsible progressives.