
Enough with the BS that people voted for him because of their economic plight. It was racism, bigotry, and hatred for any type of progressive thought. His followers are evil and should burn in hell with him and his cohorts. No sympathy or empathy from me. Enough already with this sham of a president and sham of a

I do have all of the FJM albums and there are standout tracks - so, you are right, catwhisperer. While listening, I often cringe at the non-album antics. Much like watching a Woody Allen film... Great content while listening/watching, but the real-life implications are not easy to swallow.

I’m sorry to say that Lana Del Rey (Lizzy Grant) and Father John Misty (Josh Tillman) annoy me to no end. Both have this faux hatred towards fame and both seem about as douchy as Stephen Miller. Yep, I said it. Sorry fans of either/both.

I just can’t anymore. Fuck this family all to hell. Amateur hour...

Break out the popsicles!

I have no idea. But, wow the fucking grammatical errors by both parties!

Such wise words from a woman literally raised in a golden tower. Ivanka... thank you.

Uninformed Trump voter? You don’t say!

Is it me or what? Why is it that all Republicans have a punchable face? Is it the smug smile, death behind the eyes, or the other squirly expressions?

I’d be surprised if it was longer than 6 weeks... these dumbshits are cleaning house with respectable people. If we can’t start a revolt of some sort with #TheResistance, then we might as well all move to Norway.

Depends on time of day: Polish sausage for breakfast - with eggs, hash browns doused with onions, and a nice biscuit.

The end is nigh... Trump is a most horrific excuse for a human, and his family falls in line with that sentiment. Pathetic.

Gorsuch confirmed = Democracy is dead in the USA.

Precisely. This is what the fucking President did. what the fuck reality are we in? It will get better - please someone tell me that it will get better!

The Russians will have him killed in the next several days as they have done with several folks recently.

Just curious, has the so-called President made a comment about this or will he be silent since it was a white dude?

Dude plays tennis like I do when I’m high. Seriously - oh nice, good shot. I’ll watch that slip by...

I left Facebook over 4 years ago because of the abuse and of the small-mindedness... Just turned off and deleted Twitter after being harassed and trolled by alt-right fucks (on Thursday night - even before the Muslim ban and airport protests!) - I’ve hesitated looking at news, even Jez, but just got on after being