
Doesn’t pass the “reality logic” test, no matter what the math is saying. Think about it: A door through a wall still has a door, even on the other side. Passing through the black hole to another universe — would the black hole suddenly cease to exist? That would be the only way you’re not sucked right back in. He

Pagers, and it's not even close. Unless you needed one for work, all they did was give your friends and family a way to get pissed off at you for not dropping everything you were doing and calling them back. I can't tell you how many times the words "I WAS BUSY" came out of my mouth in the 90's.

Fax machines. GOD did I hate fax machines. I was a file clerk in an office for five years and LOATHED that damn machine. Good riddance.

I don't know about "greatest", and I don't know about "everybody", but I certainly got a bad taste in my mouth from these two and wasn't convinced to go back and try either of them until their fates had already been sealed.

Sunshine. The third act turned it from a great space adventure film to a lousy slasher flick.

Not a movie but it starts with Pakistan getting nuked and doesn't really know where to go from there.