
Well, I ain’t saying he’s a Hall of Famer. I’m saying the old “Austin stinks” characterization is out of date. His role isn’t to put up numbers, it’s to do some dirty work and not screw up until Chris Paul comes back in the game. And he’s fine at that. He’ll be a completely acceptable NBA journeyman.

I watch a lot of Clippers games and he’s looked pretty good. Everyone’s overpaid in the NBA except for superstars. Austin is not a bad player. Are there a lot of guys I’d rather have? Sure. But, he’s definitely better than a D-League player.

Is Tom Brady cold or hot? He’s wearing a half sleeve shirt, a sleeveless hoodie, and a stocking cap. I’m so confused.

I suspect he’ll be able to fake a smile for two minutes. If he’s having trouble, he just needs to think of the $40M+ he’s being paid every year by people like Kraft, or that he got an appeals court to legitimize his power to suspend people however long he feels like for whatever reason he feels like because the NFLPA

I absolutely hate the Patriots, but I’m secretly hoping they win just for that moment where Goodell has to sheepishly hand over the trophy. I imagine his body language will be something like “middle schooler whose dad forced him to apologize for breaking a window” and it will be glorious.

Those clips of Austin are from 2 years ago. He’s actually having a very good season. He’s not a bad defender and has been hitting 3's. He ain’t no all-star and never will be, but to say the only reason he’s in the league is because he plays for his father is downright wrong. The guy is a totally decent backup PG/SG.

They don’t want to go to the White House anyway.

I think UVA players suffer in the draft because it’s such a defense-oriented team that NBA scouts aren’t sure if the players will really thrive in the pros. And Tony Bennett makes them play as a team, with little room for individual heroics. So, Brogdon was probably a victim of a belief that UVA is not going to turn

It always baffles me how guys like Brogdon get taken so low. The idea that some jamoke who is a couple of years younger and can jump out of the gym YET doesn’t actually seem to know how to play basketball deserves lottery consideration but someone who is an ancient 23 years old who is fairly athletic and clearly does

You lose today, Darwin.

The first thing the racist does when he comes to power, he takes all the Negro leaders and invites them for coffee, to show that he’s alright. And these Uncle Toms can’t pass up the coffee. They come away from the coffee table telling you and me that this man is alright.

Sweet - more boxing coverage!

heard the TNT crew go in on it too last night during the Knicks game. Damn, imagine being such laughing stocks that you’re even more worthy of derision than the Knicks.

Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor

Just let the idiot savant heave his precious ball and eat his all-crystal diet and sleep in his cryo-pajamas at the bottom of a silent, subterranean lake in peace.

He does allude to something like that at the end of the quotes above, “I don’t agree with everything.” If anyone is expected more out of him than something like that, they really haven’t been paying attention for the last 16 years.

But it really isn’t difficult to say “I disagree with x, y, and z things he’s said, even though I like him personally.” Like, the pussy grabbing tape is a perfectly easy thing to take a stance on. That’s not really even politics.

I’m a good boy. Please stop asking if Donald Trump is a good boy. I don’t know who else is a good boy. Just throw the damn ball.

He won’t discuss it because his wife told him not to talk about politics any more. And like any sensible man, he’s scared of his wife.

If in order to receive the MVP from the Ginger Hammer Brady has to give him a handshake, I hope Tom goes to the bathroom first and doesn’t wash his hands.