Anthony Miller

edit: I own a E39 525 touring 5spd. And now the wife drives an E83 X3.

I love the question mark on your screenname. Even more so now that I own a BMW for the first time and I’m still in the honeymoon phase.

It’s like people have no idea what a self-absorbed windbag he is.

It’s like people have completely forgotten about the e39 m5.

I know this is probably dumb, but check Carmax. If you are actually sold on purchasing one, test drive an auto, and then have Carmax ship the manual to a store near you for purchase. It might be a few dollars more but if it’s what you want, it’s what you want.

That would be the straw-man fallacy

I’m pretty sure that is exactly what she’s saying and I tend to agree. The four banger is like putting Igor the clock troll in a Margiela suit.

NOPE, sorry but unless this is a Cosworth it ain’t worth it.

Do you know what that photo is from? He didn’t have a passenger.

Watching this video, in particular the last 30 seconds or so of the build reminds me just how much fucking work “finishing” work is. They remove the front and rear bumpers what looks like at least three times a piece. And that’s the thing. It’s not like it isn’t necessary, you have to do it to see how things line up

That, is a Lamborghini nose if I ever have seen one.

Oh! That means that all four tires were changed on F1 cars 10,698 times this year too!

Knowledge tidbit:

Fortified wagon, tall wagon, short SUV, blah blah blah blah blah. If it walks like a duck.... They’re crossovers because they have lost the defining features of what made them wagons, increased cargo capacity on a sedan platform made to drive like a sedan.

It’s not....because the Outback is a crossover too. It’s been raised well above it’s car roots, just like early crossovers. Would you call the audi allroad a crossover?

This is currently sitting in the closet of my old room at my parents. I wonder if the stickers are still sticking. I wore that thing out.

I think he may be more referring to the tone of converstaion changing. There’s nothing wrong with taking a different diplomatic approach in international politics. China’s diplomatic corps has a reputation for being deliberately obtuse and hyperbolic(similar to your immediate jump to nuclear war) in order to shut down

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but this (as a millenial no less) is what I believe occurs when two things come to pass. One, the party process has removed the citizen from truly being able to exercize their desire to vote for individuals they believe will be good representatives and two, the belief that

This looks shockingly like the Chevy Cruze hatch from the side. I just cant’ shake the similarity.

I’m fairly certain I’m on suspension component go-round #3. Previous owners kept everything really up to date. One thing to note, since you have the v8, the front parts supposedly wear out between 60-80k miles.