Anthony Miller

Holy crap this is where I grew up.

Yeesh, getting on the brakes at the end of the straight got it a little squirrly. That was a clencher moment.

If we’re being honest, the first shots that take out the front headlight probably would have thrown the car into some limp mode and caused the dash to scream bloody murder at you.

I mean, I know this is dumb, but that color on the Cruze hatchback makes it look pretty sharp.

I spent $70k on a Masters in Public Policy..... why?

*Edited* Trying not to be super judgy, this thread is going to be full of questionable decisions.

The structure of our entire government should be proof enough. It’s extraordinarily difficult to do anything in a tripartite federal system. That’s the point. Hopefully during the entire committee process crap legislation will get called out.

It’s comments like this that make me understand why my bosses/professors/and other professionals in my field hold lobbyists and at large portion of the general public in contempt.

Yes, it is actually a thing. I have a Masters in it. Believe it or not, a lot of policy making isn’t just magically pulled out of legislators asses.

You don’t remember the whole Jalopnik “If you don’t hear back from us within 10 days, you’re dead to us” part of the application?

Nope, that truck will be looked at and unless the hitch or frame is completely unrepairable, it will be fixed and mayyyybe sold at a discount/ pressed back into service. That’s a relatively new Volvo tractor, it takes A LOT to write off a tractor, it basically would have had to have been actually hit by the train.

What is this? Fresno circa 2005?

NO NO NO NO NO! People uggggggggghhhhh, stop artificially keeping the resale values of these cars so high!

You should put these wheels on. Immediate improvement and stock look.

On top of that, they’re purchasing the brakes from a third party so they have to figure out what’s going on with their car with brakes that are generic.

Fantastic! Good for you. Do you work at shop/restore in LA somewhere?

Oh! Did you look into that E3 I wrote about a while back?!

Just repeating what I’m told!

Kits only!

Well look at you Mr. Smarty-pants