Your answer is bad and you should feel bad. But let’s be honest here, it’s only up here because this is the car you’re able to get the best deal on and talk most of your “don’t wann give up alllllllll the sportiness” new dad clients into.
So it’s the new Cadillac ATS.
+1 for numpty
Honestly, if we go by this response on Twitter to the premier, I think we can pretty much just say it and mean it this time. Chris Evans is just not right for the job. He loves the show, I have no doubt about that, but he is simply just not able manage it in a way that people will like. He sounds like a petulant child.
Looks like it’s gained the front bumper cover and valence from the Cayenne, which I kind of like. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It really seems as though this whole FB live stuff, while super cool, is really just shitting the bed for you guys.
Believe it or not, most people who watched Talladega Nights were not IndyCar fans. Shocking, I know.
Or, you know, anywhere on the Pacific Coast...
I was just there! You should have tried to swing by up to Bodie as well. May have been closed then but it’s super fun. I love 395.
Ehhhhhhh, while maintenance is an issue on these and the non-ZHP packaged cars are a little slow, the steering feel and ride is WORLDS different in the non AWD models. With AWD they had softer suspension and rode a half inch higher. That’s also why the Audi A4 killed BMW in this generation because audi had always…
This comment is inane and also completely overinflates the problem posed by a misprinted sticker, you may have me on the same side with the ignition switch problem but relating the two like you have is an impressive feat of mental gymnastics.
I really like this but holy shit Batman CP all day
If this isn’t #1....
By turning IndyCar into a two-spec series they have basically destroyed it. Also, while Tony George is an idiot, he isn’t solely to blame, the team owners from the split era were just as idiotic as well.
That’s actually one of their biggest identified vulnerabilities for most airports and they have recommended alternative security measures to many airports to lessen the risk, however, a lot of airports just simply weren’t built for dispersed security and they can’t make too many meaningful changes without tearing…
No, stop, don’t sell, give me a chance to put $7500 together!
And the one’s I do find have been stancebro’d! Ugh, I like a tasteful lowering but seriously, I don’t want to drag a diff with a kid in the car over every bump.
YASSSSSS BITCH! I am seriously hankering for a manual Legacy GT . It’s my soon-to-be-dad car.