Anthony Miller

I see the Elan is in it’s natural state of existence, being worked on.

One of these things is not like the other

My Vote goes to the

I want one of the Boston Green sedans SO bad it hurts.

Spring, for sure. It’s typically wetter during that time of year so everything is more green!

This happened a lot on my c20. I’d check three things. 1) Carburetor, make sure nothing is gummed up 2) Manifold pressure, you may have some vacuum leaks and 3) Your timing, it won’t cause dieseling but it will cost you power

Also, I’m sorry, “exhilarator pedal” *WOOF*

Ummmmmm sir? The road turns the other way here sir. SIR! SIRRRRRRR!!!

Hello....It’s me....

Oh hi, Walter.

Did you even read the second half of my comment? Also, iPhones are made in a sweatshop and no, they aren’t exactly the pinnacle of reliability but they do “look nice” and that’s all that matters to some people. Just like all that matters is the last thing they remember about Chinese manufacturing is a news story they

Probably because a lot of the things that we do buy that are made in China are shit. Not saying there aren’t reliable and well made things built in China, but a lot of people get leery about something as large as a car when the last news story they can remember is how chinese toys shipped to the US were painted with

I knew at least one person would think that. No actually I own a 91 miata and a subaru. I’d like a vette though, hell, I’d like a camaro too.

No I didn’t miss the point, I’m speaking more towards the point that this should be a big deal and a stupid click-baity headline is stupid.

Interesting grouping. Good on you for looking at those all.

So let’s get this straight, the tippy top trim level of a performance pony car puts down slightly more horsepower than the base model sports car slotted above it? ......ummmm.....who cares? The Corvette still probably puts the power down better and is also probably still faster because it’s lighter. Also, I doubt many

What I’m here for!

Oh man, where’s the local 7th grader who can explain this one? Anyone? Uggggh okay.

Well done.