Just to kind of clear things up a little here before we go full Repub-hate on 3rd gear. The approved “cut” is to a proposed increase to the budget, they are still getting more money, just not as much as what Democrats (the President and staff) proposed.
Could be in a cold weather environment. You still see large trucks with those on the grille every now and then.
Admission: she broke it first, I accidently tore it off.
SERIOUSLY, I can’t get my wife’s bumper cover to stay on no matter what I do!
Regarding a twenty year old car that can do that, sure, e36 bmw, NB miata, any 20 year old mercedes. Hard to believe but 20 year old cars are pretty modern still.
I believe the XTS is only being kept for fleet I think. Also, the CTS should be renamed under this new scheme and I believe is goign to continue to be the american 5series
So far that’s what I’ve read. I think it may just use it’s limited traction better.
The inside of the Subaru is much nicer. The suspension is supposedly ever so slightly softer (which for some reason has made it ever so slightly faster in speed tests) and the Subie is slightly heavier.
Wait, so they deserved to fail but you’re complaining about the fact that they closed things down? No one and I mean no one, would have filled those shoes. That’s why they bailed out in the first place. I agree actually, I think they should have gone bankrupt, but you’re dreaming if you think those plants would have…
The CTS was reviewed on an episode though.
Uh, move then? Businesses collapes, it’s how the world works. Stop whining. What do you want, GM to be put out of business completely or retained as a (more)massive behemoth which produces a shit product out of those plants. Move on, they have.
Except at least one of every single one you listed is actually worse than the Chevy... c’mon man. (Well except maybe in the Malibu line but technically the Fusion isn’t in the same class and Accord isn’t as great as it used to be, jeex, that class is a race to the bottom outside the Mazda 6)
The rack in the 528/530 is sublime. One of the best cars I’ve driven honestly. I’ve driven and e34 540 and I was not impressed with that one either, but I loved the way it looked. However, I also wasn’t a fan of the transmission in the e34 unfortunately. (came THIS close to buying it)
How on EARTH did the XJR not end up on this list. I means, yes, another Jag did but the XJR was so nice.
Without the M-Sport suspension these floated ALL over the road. I hated it. The power was nice but man I hated the ride. Also, with the v8 they ruined the steering feel. Recirculating ball....ugh