Anthony Miller

Calls woman a "twat" expects us to believe she's the wheezy fat kid in this situation. Honestly, shut your mouth.

Europe’s economy generally refuses to spark back into healthy growth mode. Lingering fears the Euro currency zone might still yet break apart haven’t done consumer confidence any favors, while political aggravation to the East, as Russian aggression spooks investors and politicians, is an additional worry made

Well, that's your point of view and I choose to disagree, but I can see why you say that. Nor do I agree that it really worked during the time you described either. But, I do believe that it has the chance and the foundation to work, I just don't believe I'm as pessimistic as you are.

Mid-Engined Corvette: Confirmed

Um no, sorry, that's still not how the government is supposed to work and wouldn't be permanent anyway.

Well, metric wouldn't really change anything for anyone....

Honestly, there is a way to do it. You need money, a good lawyer/lobbyist who has connections to the auto industry, and documented proof we could a) lower carbon emissions through cleaner cars and b) not actually take a large chunk of profits out of US automakers wallets.

ARGH I posted this one too!

Done, all your problems solved.

I wish I knew what car to buy, it won't load my result :(

Uhhhhhhh, did you sleep through the fact that the Daniel Craig bond movies are the highest grossing movies in the series? And some of the top ticket sellers of their respective years.

He also asked Detroit's automakers to build EV trucks.

Have you sat in one? I can assure you they really aren't that big. The entire interior is very subdued and the vents don't stand out at all.

The Superleggera concept was at LA, I can confirm the union jack tail lights, and the fact that there weren't any other concepts from mini at the show. Which kinda makes me scratch my head and hold out hope for this thing.

Probably only after the ECU throttles everything back

He wasn't agreeing with you...


Tooling down main street Santa Barbara about two weeks ago. Sounds like a Beetle

I definitely wouldn't recommend 80w gear oil, too rotten eggy, probably should go for blinker fluid.