
giz needs to keep doing these! educational posts. Edumodo.

holy shit, i just spent an hour starting up my blog at learn.sparklelabs.com. seriously cool site!!

that was great!!

this is an article about how to use your SMARTPHONE in combination with your wireless...well, mostly.

old thing is old.

this is a silly question. many linux distros have been doing this for years! its very much not a new idea.


@Aklost: i love it when people point shit like this out.

that was pretty awesome!

at least they arent hipsters...

maybe you could *** on my robot face!

@Voldy1: you dont have to tell ME that. :P

@FriarNurgle: she should really take that suit off while shes at the bea...... wait.... is tha ....AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!