
as far as the general public was concerned, the NT series were obscure releases, so i didnt count them.

ive said it every time. 98=fail, 2K=win, ME=fail, XP=win, vista=fail, W7=win...8 has to suck. it is 8's job to suck so that 9 can succeed.

i love this game! i remember beating this for the first time 12 years ago.

beware, if you use Staples brand binder clips, you will need to warp out the metal pieces to make room for a phone. they pinch in as to almost touch.

if you have to worry about that sort of thing, then you have the wrong phone.

set to launch april 1st....thats all im saying.

i can get severe muscle spasms in my shoulder. i thought they were my heart until i finally narrowed it down to what it was. also really bad elbow and hand pains. mostly that shoulder though. got it from playing computer games about 5 years ago. bad posture and constant gaming probably did it.

ive got a good alternative to powerpoint. 2 hours spent doing something else.

how did you know?! i am installing a new hard drive and reinstalling windows this weekend. ive already had to reinstall linux mint because of a major malfunction. i also have two computers to fix.

with the number of quarters used to occupy the free space, couldnt you have just bought some dollar store brand Ds? lul

good thinking. i was thinking just that when i seen the pic.

i just did this for my kids kindergarten class a few weeks ago! awesome!

i also hadnt realized it was only one person. makes more sense to charge then, but its still hardly a contender as a worth-while wallpaper site. things i factor in when judging the quality of a wallpaper site would be cost, variety and user interface. all of which, in my book at least, put DB out of the running

3 month membership is 12 something. crazy!!!

really? i mean...REALLY?!

hey, theres my phone!! i guess i HAVE to try then then...huh?

buy photoshop? thats funny. hilarious!

unofficial steam for android sounds to me like, "tons of steam account credentials going to some lucky swindler." i have personally witnessed the steam account trade. its a lucrative business for people 12-26. a lot of paypal money moving around thanks to it. this just looks like a brilliant con for the sake of

the best thing you can do if you have unity is to install a distro without it. its garbage at the moment. the OS upgrade isnt worth the trouble.

ive been getting my roms from here: