
these look like all those horrible screensavers my moms old friends had on their windows 98 machines.

@oogabubchub: what i thought was the original video was flagged and so required you to login to watch it, so i used this one instead.

@nitzua: "sorry, just my opinion."

3d or stereoscopy, its fucking horrible! im glad to see that its dying. it was a fad that got WAY WAY out of control. i dont know how it got this far. please die 3d...please.

@golferal: for real!!! that is the truth!

this desktop looks horrible! it looks difficult to navigate and is extremely ugly. sorry, just my opinion.

well, looks like they made the right choice then. that looked horrible! i seen the previews of the new twisted metal and it looks great! the new dynamics that theyve added look like they are going to be killer fun!

@HK-47: the keyword to anything a scientist says is "maybe"

@unaffected: i looooooove full throttle. along with the other lucas arts games of that time. i have the whole game pack. monkey island ftw!

i called this shit from the beginning! i never liked 3d. its a novelty at best. its like watching the market catch on to buzzing rings so much that people start buying buzzing diamond wedding rings. it just gets old really fast!

i just want the fucking tablet!! i dont care what os they put on it. if i dont like it i will simply switch it.

im literally vibrating in my seat! finally, a credible and able company is ACTUALLY producing tablet PCs.

if someone told me online that they leaked hundreds of thousands of classified documents you had better fucking bet i would tell someone. either that or stop talking to them altogether. fuck a whole bunch of getting implicated in treason.

who listens to someone named McNutt?

@tenthrow: no, it was totally fair. bp completely fucked something up and then tried to put a "free bumper" on it and said "hey people, its sort of covered up. i mean, the problem is still very much present, but...there you go."

a free bumper...

its apples fault.

" so start calling on Batman and Superman now, see if they can pull you from the mess that you have created with all your silly idolatry."