
blockbuster has always overcharged for their rentals. not to mention, every one i went into seemed to be poorly managed and never had any good deals or anything. when my local blockbuster closed and reopened as a family video i was excited! when ever i want a new release i go to red box, and when i want anything else

i would never want this. aero is so bad ass, and looks sooooo good with a good wallpaper.

this is exactly why i despise apple. they inflate all of their products and overcharge for them. i loath elitist companies in every respect.

just wait until they start making fetus-friendly apps. shrink that point radius to fit those of a preemie!

seems a little ugly. if it has separate skins, then we might have an awesome product.

this is an absolutely brilliant article! its things like this that make Giz really stand out for me.

@PN - gooapplesoft: dont be modest...you could have achieved this level of success in second!

yeah, this is incoherent babble. it only barely makes sense, and that is only if you accept that some of the things are in reverse, and other things are poorly placed.

that is the raddest fucking computer set up i have ever seen! looks like movie-style government shit. way way awesome!

@sid9221: im a hardcore pc gamer but i havent had the money to upgrade my hardware in some time. i cant even play fallout3, which i desperately want to play! this is an excellent solution for anybody like myself.

yeah, mint is my new buddy. love it! i keep a mint machine right next to my win7 machine and just use synergy with them.



Vote: Weebly

this is an idiotic idea. its a solution, yes. just as jumping in front of a taxi will make them stop, but im sure you folks can come up with a few better ideas on getting that to happen.

itunes is such dreadful software. such annoying defaults!! i only use it for my ipod nano 3rd generation.

@duck: apparently!