So it operates like a window in any old Lancia, except there is a knob.
Must not have been in Minnesota. Everyone knows the ice is thick enough there this time of year to drive a stretch limo onto it to introduce yourself to your hockey team.
John says “Lots of Headroom”
Henry Ford was like, ‘Nah, I’ve already got one car company run by an anti-semitic megalomaniac, why do I need another?’
Worse, new.
Pickup truck!
This is what happens when you use Santorum as a hair coloring.
Except for Tom, these are all bad suggestions. Get a Mazda3, fun to drive and as reliable as a hammer.
Oh, Cheesehead. You will be wearing shorts half the winter in Finland. This is clearly the opportunity for you. It’s a cakewalk. An ice cream cakewalk?
There are lots of people of Finnish ethnicity on the upper Midwest. A lot of Finnish immigrants settled in Minnesota and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, particularly the iron mining regions.
I didn’t even realize there was a Zamboni company, I just assumed that’s what those ice rink vehicles were called. To be fair though, I think we only have like 2 or 3 of those in Houston.
It’s pretty much just a rip off of the Honda E
“What do we want?”
I’m taking the New York Bar Exam on Monday... twenty years after graduating law school, and not having practiced law since then. I expect to fail just as miserably as your minivan has failed the TUV. But I will continue undaunted and try again and again until I pass because I am the David Tracy of law. You are my…
Only David Tracy can buy a nearly rust-free car and nearly get defeated by hidden rust.
Seriously, how is this guy’s 15 minutes not up yet?