Ticallion The Baptist

I gotta ask...ya did all that to work on a Neon?

Not too sure how I feel about this 3/5 Compromise...

It’s okay. The Lakers are young and exciting and the Yankees are always pretty good; but damn, sorry about bama.

*unless it’s Bama.

So you’re saying a smart person said this?

Earl just got a little Too Close (you’re making it hard for me).

Lost Boys, apparently got lost. :( Oh well. Also, E.T. isn’t really Halloween-yy. : )

Funny, Adrian Peterson’s son’s face is imprinted on his cleats too.


Real redneck liberals drive beat-up firstgen Subaru Foresters.

I agree. My gas grill just doesn’t get hot enough. I use a screaming hot black steel pan to sear my steaks, which works well. I’ll have to look into the Chimney method.

And don’t forget to dry off the meat. Needs to be dry for the Maillard reaction to occur

I think it’s a combination of things.

The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man’s Fear.

Today in Alternate Future History:

Yes, it does matter

The end result will depend on the color of the zip ties that you use. If you want a white finish use white zip ties. If you want black finish then use black zip ties.

If you used blue zip ties but got a red finish ... you have just cut yourself, find the first aid kit and call a contractor to finish

What magical companies are people working at that gets off between 3-5pm regularly? o.O

If you’re looking for a poor man’s All-Clad, I would definitely recommend Tramontina. I’ve had only good things to say in my first year with it, surprisingly good quality for the price.

If you’re looking for a poor man’s All-Clad, I would definitely recommend Tramontina. I’ve had only good things to

I'm a bunch older than her and my mom told me specifically two or so weeks ago "send me a list of a bunch of things you want for Christmas. A bunch, so you will be surprised."