
Like Kendall x Rachel Leigh Cook

I hate all of these people you’ve been dating.

“Surely this girl can’t look THAT much like Kendall Jen-”

Yeah, since when would anyone tell Siri they are depressed and assume it will be a person and not a voice thing that can set timers. Maybe the next study will conclude that a TI-93 graphing calculator cannot reliably perform psychoanalysis, to say nothing of the tragedy of tablecloths and toilet paper that are not top

But he was 5 inches erect. While that may not be massive, it IS decidedly average. Which means he wasn’t even ‘below’ average. That’s what I don’t understand.

THANK you.

I'm guessing children, age, and surgery.

Fishing is Ciara’s new hobby. Fishing is Ciara’s new hobby.

Except...she doesn’t show her flaws, nor does she accept herself the way she is, and neither does her husband.

I love this. Unexpectedly, I think I love her too? I’ve never watched her show, I won’t buy her app, but I get THIS. I wish I felt as comfortable and confident in my skin as she seems to. I admire her willingness to be herself, no matter what. Sure, she’s silly and ridiculous, but she’s got some serious hustle and she

Those were the Puritans, not the pilgrims. The distinction gets drummed into your head if you grow up in MA.

I’m reminded of the Pilgrims. They came to the Americas fleeing religious persecution, but they didn’t want freedom of religion for everyone, they just wanted it for themselves. Quaker or Catholic? GTFO.

I was just thinking, “ok, apparently fish-tail braids are SUPER TRENDY in the fundy Mormon sect this season.”

My guy friends think I’m an asshole for always pretending to be in a relationship when I get hit on. To be honest, whether it is ethically right or wrong to lie to someone in that situation does not matter to me. I just do what I think is the most likely to get the guy to stop hitting on me, and the least likely to

I just found out that the Planned Parenthood that I planned to volunteer at following matriculation into med school is permanently closed.

that and teaching only abstinence.... go figure.

No lie, more than one guy brought me an apple on the first date.

Given that you're disregarding anything unless you've personally experienced it, as one man to another (because clearly you'd never take the word of a woman) I'd say no, you are most certainly not "an ally."

Okay kids, you can typically get cuttings/extras from anyone you know over 40. (What is it with this "where do you buy" crap?) Aloe is super easy to grow and looks great. The cat can chew on it all she wants. Mother-in-law's Tongue/aka snake plant repels pit vipers (rattlesnakes)so they are also great to plant in