
Oh thank you for that link!! Yes, everyone’s really shocked about both stories here

Yeah cos Canada doesn’t have rapists. *cough Jian Ghomeshi cough*

A woman in New South Wales (sydney’s state) was raped and murdered. Her alleged attackers let her bleed to death on the beach and tried to hide the evidence. They avoided prosecution by saying the sex was consensual, despite the coroner recommending prosecution. Her BAC was .35.

My bachelor is in anthropology, and although this isn’t my area of expertise, we did study this topic fairly in depth, and everything I’ve read and everything my profs have said back up your views.

Physical capabilities. We’re talking about physical capabilities. If you want to go into propensity, that’s another matter, but I think you’ll find the stats on that are also not in your favour. Mohammad Ali and the rattlesnakes analogy.

Yeah his daughter seems totally traumatised by his raising. Look at all the drugs she’s on and jail she’s been in and domestic violence incidents she’s been involved in and grammatical mistakes in her Twitter.

This seems like such a normal post for Britney...does this mean she’s better or better curated? I hope the former. I hope it also means more music and awesome shows are on the way. But really I just hope she’s happy. I’m here for you, Britney!

I think they meant normal as in ‘unphotoshopped’ no?

Is that why Finn was played such a big name star?

I can’t wait til these people hook up with each other by accident!!

I just wanted to point out that this is a lot more complicated for educators than at first you might think. A lot of the time, if you report abuse (which you are legally bound to do) the kids get deported and sent back to families who the children say will beat them much more severely for “causing problems” (by