
It sounded like the daughter is of the same mind. She’s only fifteen, though. Sorry I screwed up the simple task of copying & pasting the link. If you can stomach some more Christian hypocrisy, it’s worth digging through the thread to read about it. The bright side is that the woman posting is trying to help her out.

Nice try. Now fuck off back to Breitbart, troll.

That’s a good question. It wouldn’t surprise me if there were a higher incidence of child abuse, that’s for sure. As for assault on other adults, I don’t even have a guess. One thing the Daily Mail article didn’t mention is that the child they must recently adopted had been in the foster care of a lesbian couple, and

Oops. Sorry, I meant to post the permalink. In the next thread down (I think) she describes her neighbors, who are ardent clinic protesters but whose relationship with their own daughter is strained, to say the least. It’s heartbreaking.

Irony bullets?

I’m not sure it’s all about harassing and shaming women, although that’s definitely a piece of it. Regardless, you’re absolutely right: It doesn’t have fuck-all to do with babies.

So sorry to hear that. I can only imagine how hard that must be.

Oh, Teddy. You nut! You had my vote at “delicious.”

Just out of curiosity, why do you think that? I think it’s actually worse; check out the this poster’s story about her neighbors: http://kinja.com/still-celia#_g…

Respectfully, I think you might have forgotten to put a decimal point in front of that percentage.

I’m genuinely glad to hear that. I’m sure the irony is utterly and completely lost on them just how much more Christ-like your actions are than theirs.


“No one deserves to go through what they have gone through, even though they put themselves in harm’s way.”

It’s too bad there isn’t a way to un-star a post.

Ugh. Fine. Here, go ahead and take this star.

I have a much better name than the Lord. I would be the greatest Lord ever. A big, beautiful Lord. Much better than the current Lord.

You don’t have to. Just drink it in...

Thanks for posting this!