
And that is exactly why no NFL team has signed you yet.

I don’t know, but Roger Goodell will probably fine him $10,000 for not making the alligator available to the media.

The NYT is reporting that the package turned out to be harmless.

Finely-crafted satire.

That’s perfect.

This is - in all seriousness - some of the best and most detailed reporting I’ve seen on the attacks.

Probably what I love most about sports is how it elevates the moral and intellectual caliber of players and spectators alike.

The best part is that Watt probably worked on that line all week.

No, I didn’t know that. Thanks.

CNN is now reporting the attacks were coordinated by carrier pigeons sending telegrams.


That’s a good point. Even though the comment said “Americans as a whole,” I read it as hyperbole, but you’re right. That said, he has a substantial segment of the electorate supporting him; we’ll see how his supporters react.

This is truly astounding, even for Trump. What he’s suggesting we “have to strongly consider” could not be a more egregious violation of the very first right enshrined in the Constitution. There is no excuse for even contemplating such a notion, let alone giving it legitimacy on national television. This man is

You’re probably right, but America is supposed to be better. This country was founded upon some of the most brilliant intellectual concepts in the history of civilization; suggesting we close down mosques violates quite literally the first one on the list.

No, just the 48% or so of voters who think he and Stabbity Ben are really fantastic.

Man, and I was all set to leave a snarky, smart-ass comment about Lauer being a shit journalist and Sheen being a shit human.

Popcorn wouldn’t be enough. You’d need some serious, Charlie-Sheen-level drugs to get through those debates.

I guess I can see how it might be perceived as self-involved, but I don’t think that should be the default assumption. I don’t see anything wrong with acknowledging others’ suffering and sending a message of support, even if it is just a token gesture. The world can always use more empathy...