Ah Got Somethin Ta Say!

See, you've already put more thought into the name than they ever did.

I've always liked the name. I think losing one's sense of whimsy and dumb-name-shaming is—well, pathetic is too harsh a word. But still it's squarely in joyless old fart territory.

Equally brief: Your friend's review/taste sucks.

It's not a weird complaint. I googled "Lust For Life" out of curiosity, and sure enough this LDR album that has been alive for like 4 days is the only thing that came up.

Thank you for pointing out this meaningless distinction without difference. You must be fun.

Hotter take: Wrong.

Lots of great choices here. And, for some reason, Harvey Danger.

I like this approach a lot actually. Way too much self-indulgence in rap.

I agree with this in general. Certain reviewers are always vying to be the first to declare something a masterpiece.

"Liberal pinheads being divisive."

I don't think it's illegal to accurately describe someone's moral bankruptcy. At least not yet…

Capitalism finds a cheap buck to be made

Oooh, we're finally getting fire dinosaurs.

For the life of me I just can't reconcile the idea of Office Space somehow being associated with hipsters.

Wow, he was in Cloverfield? Don't remember that at all.

Oh, come on. He's saying that TJ playing more to his strengths would have made for a better special. It's not a blanket endorsement of conventionality.

But…those were directed by Don Coscarelli, not Joe Dante

Infuriating, isn't it? :(

It's just the studio's nice PR spin. He got replaced.

He needs something, but it ain't money.