Ah Got Somethin Ta Say!

To be fair, sitting around reading comic book may have been a priority over finishing the books. At least we have this awesome TV show.

It gets better.*

It gets better.*

It's exactly like the Walking Dead…aside from the story, characters, acting, writing, directing, competence, etc…

Well, it isn't not a new Marvel promo…

Ah, yes. Another American hero fighting the really important battles….

Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.*

Mr. C used to be great. Mr. B still is.

Sorry, our political climate has long zapped what little patience I may have had, if any, in regards to self-aggrandizing contrarians.

A big part of the reason Starship's effects still hold up is due to the excellent modeling/stop-motion work by Phil Tippet. They used CGI to add detail and fluidity of movement, similar to Jurassic Park a few years prior. The seamy/grainy compositing is really the only glaring flaw.

Sure, it's possible that everyone is wrong but you.

Walton Goggin's character arc in Hateful 8 is fantastic. Jules in Pulp Fiction. I'm sure there are other examples.

Man, I wish there was a whole genre of Jackie Browns.

What about Broken Arrow? That was probably 1997, right?

Too bad he didn't write The Dark Knight Rises. Er, wait….actually it is a very good thing that he didn't write it! His involvement in the Nolan movies was mostly as a resource for his thorough knowledge of the comics.

I read that as "Try being a white man with the world as your oyster and no legitimate hardships or complaints about anything ever"


Sounds more like Friends.

It would require more than money to educate those unwilling to listen to reason.

Hey, I liked that sucky show!