Ah Got Somethin Ta Say!

Yes, but Gene Ween was actually Gene Parmesan all along.

If only he could die again, somehow.

Because clearly you are the portrait of classiness, what with your "eat shit"'s and all.

I'm not sure why Community needs to be the enemy of Black Mirror. But if you want to deny yourself one of the best series of the decade you go right ahead and do that.

A sea monster….ATE MY ICE CREAM!?

Ha! I mean, he/she's right that it's all subjective. But art school is the absolute last place you would find anyone defending this kind of lazy, unimaginative work.

Professional designer (including movie posters) for 15+ years now, but thanks for the commentary.

Was my comment really that unclear? But sure, some examples would be: this poster, Spider-man: Homecoming, both Avengers movies, all the Iron Man movies, the Thor movies…

Marvel consistently has some of the worst posters around. Which is puzzling considering the nature of these properties and the team of artists they could easily deploy.

Donald Trump Jr. is such a partisan hack re: people named Donald Trump.

I'm just so tired of all these Star Wars

"He's too stupid to be evil!"

So basically what this means is Trump's re-election in 2020 is now assured.

Two things…

I agree. It's gonna be like election night all over again.

Testimony goes exactly as expected…

[Evasive non-answer]

Good luck with your horse elections!

Might as well embrace the inescapable.

Night Comes At Night just didn't have the same ring to it.