Ah Got Somethin Ta Say!

Oh where oh where can your baby be?

Maybe not. I forget, was Star Wars one of Van Morrison's?

Carpe diem, Adam Driver!

To be fair, it would have been questionable for me to have had this opinion several months before the movie came out.

I forgot that the new movie even had a villain. I vaguely remember them fighting a CGI version of the ghostbusters logo.

What irked me the most is that I felt it kinda wasted Kate McKinnon's talents.

I loved the cast of the new Ghostbusters. I've loved some of Paul Feig's work. But his Ghostbusters movie was far inferior to the original, which is a comedy classic.

There's not always a legitimate path to defeating your oppressors. But it is a choice to be engaged. I just don't understand how anyone can argue in favor of doing nothing.

Sure. But how they respond to that disillusionment is absolutely a choice.

And Clinton would have gotten all of those votes if Stein was not on the ballot? How many registered Democrats in those swing states voted for Trump? It's not very logical to pin it on Stein voters.

I realize not every single state has these things. And as strongly as I feel that those few outlier states should also adopt them to make voting easier, I would also suggest that not everything in life will be as easy or quick as a microwave meal. If it's something you care about, you will put forth the time and…

a) early/absentee ballots exist
b) employers are legally required to allow employees time to go vote

She should only apologize for the picture being fake.

Literally Anyone Else Please Win 2020

"Drain the Swamp and Immediately Refill It"

I don't blame anyone for voting for Jill Stein. I'm sure they're far, FAR outnumbered by people who didn't bother to vote at all but assumed everything would just work itself out for the best without their participation.

True, but I think Trump has proven that most Congressional conservatives will go along with even the most wretched piece of shit around if it means getting some of their agenda pushed through.

If you charted it on a Venn diagram, the qualities that Trump feels make America great (again?) likely have little to no overlap with my own feelings about it. I think he genuinely loves his country as a playground for his idle wealth and ego.

So basically if Ted Cruz had become President.

If they'll get him impeached sooner rather than later—quite possibly yes.