Ah Got Somethin Ta Say!

This probably isn't a very popular idea here, but I think Trump does love his country, actually.

Social consequences should be enough, no need to bring legal repercussions into it. (In my opinion.)

All My Lost Children

Kong and Godzilla will resolve their differences over their shared love of Martha Mothra.

"I love both You're Next and The Guest but neither have anything in common with The Blair Witch Project."

The Guest is absolutely a great film.

The show can only do so much. Your humor receptors have to hold up their end of the bargain, too.

Interesting that you referenced three examples that are tonally and stylistically nothing like this show whatsoever. It's as if you just read capsule descriptions of these shows and dismissed the newest one based on that.

Oh, we could go through the whole alphabet several times.

We can't say he didn't warn us!

I read that the white power piece of shit called all Muslims "criminals" right before he murdered those guys. Killing people was still illegal last I checked.

I think what Danzig was trying to say is that not every criticism of Trump is entirely honest, which is pretty common sense. I can't/won't defend his Planned Parenthood fake news garbage though.

Salty! I assume you will now proceed to read a few thousand more of my comments.

You call the Millie-Ghostbusters and they're in Millie-control!

I was sent here from the future to prevent you from repeatedly watching movies you don't like, so that the world of my timeline may be free of useless criticism.

How presumptuous of them to think you care about these characters in the 25th entry of a 17-year-old franchise!

Those aren't things to make fun of him for, those are things to despair over.

I agree that sort of snobbery happens a lot, but your allegations of elitism are misplaced here. Only a rich fuck would demand a superior cut of meat only to cook the life out of it.

You don't have to apologize just because your sense of proportion is dumb.

Hilariously bad, really?