
Perhaps a little self reflection would help? Like maybe the “anybody who disagrees with me is a literal Nazi” didn’t really turn out to be the game winner you imagined? Successful politics thrives on coalitions and doing your best to alienate 50% of the voting population is never not going to be an exercise in

I have a question: so trump and his deplorables are against any ballot that’s mailed and don’t want to count ballots after Election Day (as mentioned above), what will they do if Biden gets like 90% of the in-person vote? Or 95% of the votes counted on Election Day? I know whatever they’d do would be hypocritical,

AirBnB rating: 3 stars.

Well I’ll be ordering it in a year so it should be arriving any day now.

Maybe we can finally toss that “What the founding father intended” shite.  I don’t give two shits what the founding fathers intended.  I live in 2020 and I want my nieces to have healthcare and not be ruled by fascists and religious nuts for their entire lives.

Hey, don’t talk about Mike Pence’s one black friend that way!

Wouldn’t want to see Trump fall to this, as I think it would turn him into a martyr to his supporters, despite some still buying into that “it’s a hoax” mindset, though I wouldn’t be upset if he experienced severe enough complications to quash that “like the flu” comparison bullshit either.

Ask the museum how they feel? The museum, for all of their pretense to authority, does not speak for Anthony. And they can’t read minds, either.

You lost them at “comp”. They had to sound out the rest, and forgot the first part by the time they got to the end.

An interesting world we live in, where a former waitress who works their way through college is elitist, and a second generation millionaire who lived in an actual tower of gold, is not.

I’m aware that King was the last Republican holdout in the house, but that district is traditionally conservative (and why I’ll never go to Okoboji again).

Good, I haven’t heard any national coverage about that race.

Yeah, I think you’re right. It’s more like “I’m not racist, I shared a taxi with a black guy once because it was raining and there were no taxis and I needed to get to the airport.”

Okay, cool. Just like I hope Biden is the last gasp of Boomer, Reagan-era Democrats who think you have to cosplay as Republicans to win elections (you would think so since he’s 78, but here came Pete Buttigieg so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), I hope Harris and Klobuchar are the last gasp of politicians (or at least Democrats) building

Yup, I did.  Your joke is boring and tired.

Remember when Obama bragged about winning the Nobel?

I apologize for suggesting you were the Tomato troll. Tomato was never this funny.

One week ago I would have welcomed news of an AOC victory, but I have just received a lucrative job offer with stock options. Since I am about to become an affluent person who is unburdened by student debt, I feel my previous condemnations of American capitalism were unwarranted. I withdraw my support of

mmhm, not saying it isn’t the reson for his restraint, but like, farmers with old russian guns in the middle of a barely livable desert have had the “tonnage to slug it out” with y’all for decades.
Everybody does, really. Having the biggest dick of them all and knowing how to fuck are two very unrelated things ^^

Agreed. At a certain level, I am always pleased when an alcoholic admits that he has a problem. I am less enthused when an alcoholic confuses the first step, namely, admit you have a problem, with all twelve steps. As is, our political structure suffers from a perpetual underpants gnome problem. It’s always willing to