did you try it with milk?
did you try it with milk?
Exactly. It would be like someone responding to my comment about some new feature of a smartphone with - “well, 25 years ago you didn’t even have a smartphone!”
Another great way to get permanent marker off a white board: Color over it with the actual dry erase marker and then erase as normal. The permanent marker will come off with it.
I suspect that if you would have asked him directly, he would have lied to you about who he actually voted for.
I felt like there was even a deeper layer there when Economos said “I just thought nobody noticed”. Felt like we was saying that despite the fact that Chris was being a dick about it, he realized that it was sort of a way of Chris saying that he noticed and cared.
When you are listening to the radio, and the station you are listening to has the feature where it tells you the artist and song that is playing, but even though its a giant screen can only seem to display 10 characters at a time and slowly scrolls through.
Yeah even after Kendall repeatedly told him that the jokes were not helping. Roman saw that despite his protests, they were.
I learned more about this flight from this picture you posted than the article itself.
Maybe she (correctly) realizes that telling her story can help people who are stuck in conservatorships who are NOT famous?
I can’t believe that show has not gotten more buzz. It’s really good.
The article doesn’t mention this but they still ended up showing this video on a bigger screen - so no - while silly, it doesn’t matter.
Yeah, and it’s tough because they “think” they are helping. It’s nice that they are are not an asshole with toxic ideas, but simply an asshole with ok ideas. Rogan validates their “asshole-ness” so they don’t feel they need to change that part of them.
It’s still less than we spend on the military.
Guys that have liberal wives they respect and are still learning is my most positive read of the guys in this category. Somehow Rogan makes this set feel real good about themselves.
It’s this exactly - it’s also why in their minds this is just a “free vacation” for dad. Modern Dads don’t look at it like that. I took all the available PTO I had when my daughter was born (no paternity leave available) and it definitely was not a vacation. It meant our family didn’t get an actual vacation til my…
Comedy has a long history of provoking deeper thought by sometimes saying outlandish things.
That’s the thing that struck me the most - usually a person arguing someone was mean to them and they didn’t deserve it - would offer up at least SOME anecdote about how they were nice to that person to help show how the meanness was undeserved. This doesn’t even occur to Meghan.
But what if they get addicted to us being reasonable with stupid ideas? I mean, we don’t want to spoil them, as that might lead them to think their ideas are reasonable.
Which is why perfecting the Level 2 systems are important, and we can’t just jump straight to level 4 or 5 like the author wants.