
I realized while I was watching the penultimate episode that the “band of misfits” cliche has been around forever, but this is the first time I feel like I’m seeing the real thing. Like, THIS is what misfits are - dorks who truly have trouble making friends, for whatever various reasons. They’re not people who are so

Amazon: Hey, would you like us to learn how fast you read so that we can guess about how long might will take you to finish a chapter?

Charon is about 1/2 the diameter (1/8 the mass) of Pluto, large enough that the barycentric point that they orbit about is above the surface of Pluto (i.e. they both rotate around a point in space).

Your lack of self awareness is astounding.

And incredibly enough, I can see a scenario in which Tom is 100% convinced (and tries to convince Shiv) that he was acting in their best interest. If Logan was going to cut them all out anyway, Tom has at least secured something for them by securing his own position.

They need to start talking about the damn heron marked sword for one thing. Digging into Rand’s origins is how you make him a more interesting character.

And, strictly speaking, it’s not even correct. We’ve known for 116 years that time and space are relative, not absolute, and that the only absolute is the speed of light. Thus, a photon’s reference frame is the only one that everyone can agree on, regardless of the observers’ states of motion. And, since at the speed

Yeah! I never cared much about Anna in the books; I mean, I didn’t dislike her, I just didn’t find her that interesting (people struggling with religious faith isn’t very interesting to me, the hardcore atheist), but Mitchell did a great job. Honestly the casting in this show is absolutely god-tier. I remember in the

Oh he is brilliant on Servant!

So they suggest that the crew who walked out over safety concerns deliberately put someone’s life in mortal danger to express “We’re disgruntled”? That’s pretty dark even for these ambulance chasing sorts.

Half-assed tuna melts. $1 tuna packs x5, pack of bulkie rolls ($2.50), some cheese ($2.50), a condiment (free or minimal cost), and a toaster = lunch for a work week, for under the cost of half a sandwich in Boston, packed with protein.

I think we’re pretty much just dead if the moon decides it’s not going to orbit us anymore.

I get the sense that Rogan (much like Chappelle) is leaning even more heavily into his RWNJ mindset to troll the libs that he has probably always thought poorly of (because we don’t like MMA as much as the cultists, or actually question his bullshit which I imagine most podcasters absolutely hate).  I’m just grateful

that would be a spot-on description of the guy I am thinking of. Ex-military, just re-married to a woman with a few daughters, I *assume* she skews liberal but I live in the heart of Trumpistan in Baltimore County so I can’t say for sure, and he routinely used to get into it with an obnoxious T***p supporter, really

You know what’s weird about this? Conservatives are the ones who are always like, “Fathers are essential! How dare you say that children can thrive without a father! Every child deserves a father!” But then they’re like, “LOL, what good is a father to a baby?”

What people like Manchin and Sinema are doing is committing violence. The people they represent in their respective states overwhelming support these initiative because they help most Americans regardless of party affiliation. It’s not physical violence but financial violence by robbing us of basic social programs

Man, talking about Gadsby has always brought out the trolls. Combine Gadsby with Chappelle and it’s a veritable avalanche of not-particularly-clever trolling. My dismiss finger is getting tired. 

It’s entirely on-brand for Meghan McCain to not realize that people are being shitty to her because she’s being shitty to them. She’s the epitome of the person who doesn’t realize that she’s not just running into assholes all day: she’s the asshole.

I contend that if some idiot hauls a 50 lb bag of rice onto the driver’s seat just to defeat his autopilot at highway speeds, then the bag of rice is the smarter of the pair.

Its not exoneration of Tesla.  It’s confirmation that peoples blinding hate for Tesla causes them to overlook the same issues elsewhere.