
My wife weighs less than me and has one less docking part sticking out, and yet is significantly more attractive. Don’t tell anyone, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the relationship between aesthetics, weight and component complexity may be more nuanced than ‘pretty=bad’.

You want your freedom? Cool, then you should be fine with the personal responsibility and limitations that go with it. Those kids can’t attend public schools or any school that receives that evil government money. They also can’t participate in activities funded by federal, state, or local governments, like soccer

Bro do you even know what it’s like here in the grays? Don’t stand on your black pedestal and say you’re the same as me. Don’t run a comment system of injustice and tell me to be mad at celebrities. You don’t know our pain, and I’m sure you don’t care to, oblivious to what it’s like, to how I feel.

So by not following a law that already existed, the Republicans cheating is the Democrats’ fault because they don’t support other laws.

Why is it a good thing that they wrap up immediately after Trump puts in his new AG, who specifically thinks the President is above the law?

My wife and I are having our first in a couple months. Anytime someone says anything close to “do you think you’re ready”, I tell them that we have a dog, so we have a pretty good idea of what we’re doing. Literally as I was typing this, my uncle just asked me if I was prepared to change diapers. Told him that we’re

OK, but go back in time to nano-micro-picoseconds after the Big Bang. All of the known universe could have fit inside a beach ball, or maybe inside the volume of the Earth, or the volume of the Sun or something.

I still can’t get over that Opportunity’s final transmission back in June was a stream of data that effectively said, “My batteries are low and it is getting dark.”

RIP, little rover that could.

Nobody “gave Iran 117 billion dollars.”  The Iran treaty removed sanctions on Iranian money that the US had frozen in banks under our control.  It wasn’t our money to give.  

It’s cute that you think of yourself as being in the “dead middle”, yet come out of nowhere to dump on “members of the liberal party” and bemoan how “sissified our society is becoming” and then for seemingly no reason at all bring up the Republican Party’s current bete noire.

He did commemorate it today:

His favorite simulated course is on the Texas border, where he spends hours trying to hit balls over his simulated wall.

There’s a thought. After all, AMI did hire that crypto-Israeli Black Cube intelligence firm to silence Rose McGowan and Ronan Farrow about their Weinstein story— so, even if it isn’t the government, I’d say Pecker & co. are connected enough to have access to some techno goodies that’d only require her phone number to

I can’t decide which of the Trump children I’m going to enjoy being perp-walked the most. On the one hand, you have Junior. Secondly, Eric, who i’m not sure would understand what was happening, and it’d be like the end of that gorilla movie from the 1990s when the gorilla testified that it felt emotions in court. And

Sure thing Ivanka, remember this:

Ms. Trump did not know about..”

It’d be the most American thing EVER.

But they’re nothing anyone who has actually taken an economics or political science course would call socialist.

I find it especially heartening that she did this and ISN’T talking about it. She fucked up and when she set it straight she didn’t jump to a public apology she went straight into an apology directly with the people effected and then shut up about it. If there’s a better way to handle that I don’t know what it is.

Since I’m doomed to the greys forever, I’m just going to say it.