This space for rent

CMON has been doing AMAZING with games on Kickstarter, backing stuff like Zombicide.

I’d be interested on a story on Exploding Kittens (that thing has just taken off like crazy) or how Cool Mini Or Not seems to have the midas touch.

Is your focus going to be solely on kickstarted videogames?

Ana is perfect for all the twitch players that shoot first recognize ally/enemy second.

...I did not consider the ‘search results’ implications of what I typed. I will strive for safer internetting henceforth.

This sounds like the beginning of an epic pie.

If that Shotgun-weildin’, cool-green-hat-wearin’ lady were in a game, I would buy that game.

If Pigpen, Lucio, Jinx, and Widowmaker all had a lovechild you’d get that sniper. I love it. Hell, I’m digging all this art.

I would agree, but same pic shows a tablet and a DSLR crammed in there - I highly doubt the bag would close, and that camera would be toast.

I’d be happy to just GET a Magikarp for the novelty of it. So many damn rats and birds (yes I know their names)

Oh that I can only give you 1 star.

Came to mention the Humiliation track.

Do please share _your_ recommendations, good Moon. Always up for some Metal.

I keep a working SNES around for this game. (and Super Metroid.)

90's Rogue is Best Rogue.

This doesn’t have the vibrating alarm feature of the fitbit. That’s a dealbreaker for me

This doesn’t have the vibrating alarm feature of the fitbit. That’s a dealbreaker for me

Pigs in a blanket!

I have several friends that remove their wallets / phones when they come over to hang out. There have been numerous times when we have to do a scavenger hunt for their stuff when they’re getting ready to leave.

I was paying more attention to the music trying to place it - once I finally recognized it halfway through I finally started paying attention to the video.