This space for rent

Price has jumped to $95

Price has jumped to $95

They don’t make cars like that anymore.

Sadly, he’s no longer playing The Most Interesting Man In The World (though he will always be that in my heart)

I cannot help but read every one of your comments in Carl’s voice. I have yet to be disappointed.

Says currently unavailable.

Says currently unavailable.

Crunchyroll ftw!

How many charges did you go through for the purpose of this article? How much do they usually run you?
(I have only the barest of knowledge on the subject, being the proud owner of a crappy CO2/seltzer system)

To me it appears he either shot at a pressurized container that blew up in his face, or shot at the wall and he was hit by the ricochet.


I want to believe!

Correct, they were not pretreated. By comparison to similar pieces that were pretreated, they were cheaper. The selection (at least at the time I was looking) of pretreated clothing wasn’t fantastic.
Pros of DIY treatment:
- decide what articles you want to treat
- decide how extensive you want to treat them
- the more

Having treated some clothing with Permethrin myself, I can tell you the stuff is noxious. But it suited me well when going overseas where malaria is very much a thing. YUUUGE swarms of mosquitos wherever I went, and nary a bite, and I am always the first to be bitten.
Granted, I was also rocking some gnarly topical

Here’s how I get my doritos flavoring

The reviews for the sugarfree gummy bears are amazing.

The reviews for the sugarfree gummy bears are amazing.

Was going to say this :)

This book in ANY format is worth the price. So good.

This book in ANY format is worth the price. So good.

Two weeks ago I started [binge-ish]watching this show on Crunchyroll from the very beginning, and I’m already noticing filler episodes.

Now playing

There are plans out there for making your own 3d printer. Here’s a group that makes them out of upcycled e-waste - it memory serves they also help schools get kits.

I’d still end up with farmers that only farm 1 city.