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Sold out
Sold out
As soon as I saw the trailer I was reminded immediately of the PDA minigame in Alien Hominid.
I can barely read my own chicken scratch 5 minutes later.
BSC 4 Lyf. Fight me.
Any advice on how to clean up after pets without using plastic bags? I repurpose the 1-use bags from the grocery store to bag up scooped litter. I feel much better about doing this than buying a litter locker which necessitates special plastic bags anyhow.
sold out at that price
sold out at that price
Rick deserved what he got
Came for Wawa was not disappointed.
Also QT coffee got me through having to be at highschool at 7am (yes, 7am)
That’s a cool gadget, but wow the negative reviews...
I was going to go in for at least one. Then I read the reviews. $5 does seem too good to be true for a quality product.
I was going to go in for at least one. Then I read the reviews. $5 does seem too good to be true for a quality…
I’m having to pass because of the case on my phone.
I’m having to pass because of the case on my phone.
I’m fully on board with you about not liking IPAs, but for some reason there’s a local brewery (Sweetwater) that does an EPA that I dig :shrug:
This time of year is great for all the marzens/‘oktoberfest beers’ coming out; truly a magical time for drinking beer.
I finished Seven Blades In Black by Sam Sykes last week. It feels very much like a Final Fantasy game. I recommend it.
This is a cool program!
Do not ask for whom the goat bleats, it bleats for thee.
I’m making this a thing in my life now.
Forget Iron Giant. This is some Giant Robo love.
Either way, I want more of this.
I must get my sausage patty. I don’t care in what form.
The instant pot versions sound awesome...but could you post the slow cooker version as well? Y’know, for science and whatnot.
I want that hoverbike.