
No matter how you feel about her, 100 years ago American women didn’t even have the right to vote, so this is pretty cool.

Bernie staying in isn’t inherently sexist.

well, for one thing, the question was about when another gets the delegates to win - if you hang in there, is it sexist?

It’s not sexist for him to stay in.

It IS sexist for him to try to have input in certain decisions, say, her cabinet picks (though to be fair he simply never confirmed or denied that reporter about that issue) or the somewhat unprecedented situation where he chooses DNC convention committee members, normally something

You think fairness has anything to do with what I’m talking about?

True! That’s what’s so frustrating. He is criticizing a party he doesn’t really belong to. He had the chance to go out on his own as an Independent, yet he took advantage of the very Party apparatus that he is now bemoaning. If things had worked out the way he dreamed, I wonder if he and his followers would be so

Bernie supporter here. He needs to get out. He needs to start unifying the party. He needs to do better messaging w/ regards to his supporters.

His ego and him being an old, entitled white man who can’t believe he’s being beaten by a woman.

Is Bernie going to be living in a tent near the White House if Hillary becomes president, giving speeches whenever she does, trailing behind her motorcade on a Vespa, etc.?

I will never be a Clinton fan and I voted for Bernie in the state primary. That said, Bernie,

Joining the Madame President gif party!

The vitriol being tossed at Hillary is just as unjust - and darkly motivated - as that aimed at Obama. Heaven forbid a woman or a black man speak intelligently and intellectually, or raise their voices, or possess higher degrees from prestigious schools! That’s why conservatives fall for chirpy clueless ladies in

He’d like “dangerous” too much and it plays into his narrative. I dont want repeated name calling from Secretary Clinton, but a few well placed, “We never know which Donald we’ll get. The Deranged Donald who says X, or Delusional Donald who says Y, or even the seemingly Drunk Donald who does Z,” would be great.

Feeling very grateful to The Slot for such an insightful critique because I just read a similar story over on the Gawker main page and was so stupid and childishly snarky that I nearly stroked out.

No, she should not fall in to the trap of nicknaming. It’s playing on his turf. IMHO she should only refer to him by his first name - Donald. It’s emasculating to not be referred to by the name you want to be called, which in this case is clearly Trump. Trump is a brand, and it carries with it 30 years of caché that

Sure, if you ignore all of her accomplishments, she’s done nothing.

Now all we need is the press to actually do things like ask Dump about her accusations, press him to respond, and not let him get away with lies or bluster or incoherent rambling. If it’s just her delivering gorgeous speeches thst he can ignore thst doesn’t get us very far. If we can push him to have a literal mental

I’m so, so ready for Madame President.

One of her best speeches of the campaign, IMO. I’m so, so ready for Madame President.