

Or maybe they were just trying to make a Greg Killmeade snuff film.

and this from 2013?

or this from 2012?

“Diet soft drink consumption is associated with an increased risk of vascular events in the Northern Manhattan Study.”

“Controlling for age, sex, race/ethnicity, education, smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption, BMI, daily calories, consumption of protein, carbohydrates, total fat,

The other worry is that the shoe/sandal you take off to drive barefoot may get moved under the brake pedal and you’ll try to brake and won’t be able to.

Can’t stop laughing. Your poor wife.

Trust. They noticed.

Not since you were 12? Lucky you. The last time I shit my pants I was working at an ecological center in Mexico. I was on the coral monitoring team, and we had a dive that day, so even though I was in the office, under my work clothes I had on a swim bikini instead of underwear. I lived in Mexico for 4 years and this

truly, when a multimillionaire who made millions annually off your unpaid labor sends you a check for $200 when he dies, I think you file that under "the least he could do".


I'm not sure if it's the onions and spices we're cooking right now, but your story has me in tears of laughter.

YES, this. If he were really just upset that his friends aren't around once they get in a relationship, he wouldn't have written all the other stuff. It's all the other stuff he's really upset about. Otherwise, it would just be a straightforward, "I never see my friends once they get partners, and that bums me out,

EXACTLY - at least to the kind of woman he is constantly going after.

Yeah, I've seen romantic comedies. And so often it's about some guy who "gets" the girl who's out of his league just by being "the nice guy" and persistent. Romantic comedies and TV shows seem to have contributed to dudes having the unrealistic expectation that 1. they're entitled to a woman that's more attractive

EXACTLY. Also, maybe reassess the criteria he's using to select potential girlfriends - seems clear he's consistently trying out of his league - if he weren't, *someone* would be reciprocating. This seems common with "friendzone" guys - they have unrealistic expectations about the kind of girl they're entitled to

This deserves so many more stars.

Worth remembering, too, that the main player, the department chair Nyangoro, was indicted on felony fraud charges and very well could have ended up spilling everything in court under oath, but UNC commissioned this report and the charges were dropped in exchange for his "cooperation" with the report instead.
